Rock Band 2 reached stores early, yesterday the 10th to be exacted. I personally witnessed an accidental early sale. Later that same day I heard that our local blockbuster was renting them!? Now I'm seeing youtube videos of people playing it and all sorts. For those of you who don't know, the release date is september 14th. Now, normally for early sales heads roll, but with the abundance of "accidental" early sale it makes me wonder. I know a co-worker was not fired over the sale, blockbuster didn't cease renting the games, and no repercussions. This may be because this only benefits both microsoft and EA and allows for microsoft to have a longer window of exclusivity as well as produced hype over the game, and possibly sell more consoles. Any thoughts?
I don't really care about it, but has anyone gotten a chance to play yet? I want to know if I should get that or wait for GHWT.
I missed out renting it because I was at work, but there have been quite a few youtube videos, and it looks challenging and overall fun.
Don't you work at a gamestore chris? Huh, had no clue it came out this soon though... like, that was fast..
How does this have any relevance? **** you. Anyway, what is the big difference between Rock Band 1 and Rock Band 2 besides more tracks that would convince me to purchase?
pretty much nothing. one of the only new things they have is the mode that lets you listen to music without having to play anything
I seriuosly just found out that it comes out today, by you. Thank you. As for people getting it early, Im sad. I should ask my friend to find out whats up with that because he works at a Gamestop.
If they wanted to release more tracks, they couldn't have just released an expansion pack on the Marketplace?