Ok well i was really bored and was looking upon the forgehub forums when I came across the ForgeHub thread Best Featured Maps-Week Four. It interested me (plus I was really bored) and inspired me to make a thread for unfeatured maps on FH. So heres to WEEK ONE. o/ High five anyone? BNFM Week ONE Alright here are the details. Its basically just the same as BFM just the not featured maps. So Ill take the best FIVE maps I see on the Forums, and line them up with their respective links.I will also add a little summary of what I think of the map from its overall aesthetics and Gameplay (I will NOT be putting a rating like 5/5 or something because that's just uber noobish). So here we go. Maps Convey by ER1C0 very good aesthtics, good use of the conveyor belt, epic gameplay http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/34386-convey.html Clockworks V2 by ME!!! im not concieted so dont flame me because im not putting a description i let the public decide :] http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/32831-clockworks.html Sewage Lines by Camoflaug nice respawns, great use of the criss-cross ceiling, overall fun map http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/33885-sewage-lines.html Metro by Paulie Walnutzz best clocktower i have ever seen, good asymmetrical gameplay, great use of the crane http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/24061-metro.html Richter by nicjgoat new and unique layout, fairly playable, one-of-a-kind http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/30762-richter.html VOTING Please, only vote on 2 maps at the maximum. Winner of the BNFM will be chosen in on September 18th. So get VOTING! I am extremely bored and did this for no apparent reason so please actually vote.
this is cool, but how do you get your map up there, also, tell some staff about this because they might be interested, and some of these maps might get featured. edit: also, i pick the sewer lines thing
Who's to judge what's the best? In the end, this'll boil down to a popularity contest. Conceivably, a crappy, sloppy, Infection Fort map could win this with enough 'votes'.
although i was thinking of flaming you for putting up your own map, I must say, to me, its the best one out there.... I vote for clockworks v2!
mmmm idk its just a random post i put up there inspired by teh other best featured maps week 4 thing and to get your map up there i just look for the maps with the most posts and or DL's. Plus I play like 10 of them and asked which 5 were best with the 8 people in the party just now lol. Nemi, dun hate, appreciate :] Edit: Thank you sdrakulich for being the bigger person :]
in that case, take a look at caverns, more people than not said it was feature worhty, and v8 of it might actully get featured, says insane.
i tink teh post became epick fail failfailfaiflailfalafilailfaijakafjdklfjdkj :[ oh and i just bot castle crashers if anyone wants to play it wit meh?
Please stop bumping/spamming this. Stay on topic and keep it professional. Sorry dude, it just bugs me when people do that.
Perhaps you should get someone to judge who isn't you. Several judges with different styles would probably also help; and maybe there could be one from Aesthetic, Competitive, Casual, etc.