Sept 11th

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Paulie Walnuttz, Sep 11, 2008.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Yeah the terrorists attacking were the victims.

    What the **** dude?
  2. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    You're implying that all other Nations were glad to see the 9/11 events unfold?

    Shut up and leave.
  3. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    What about the way, way, way, way more iraqis who have died because of your pointless war?

    Oh wait, they're not important.
  4. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    Do not blame us for that. We have no control over that! If you want to complain about that talk with our government! You are so hard headed and ignorant. This war with Iraq is not an act of terrorism; 9-11 was. Bit of a difference there. Americans are not killing innocent Iraqi soldiers; Iraq's corrupt system was doing that. On 9-11 innocent lives were lost just because of a man with a strong and persuasive voice.
  5. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Oh my, yes. Everyone in America agrees we should be in this war, those Iraqis are bad news! [/sarcasm]

    You're ignorant, Sir. Please leave the intelligent forum for those who have intelligent things to say.
  6. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    I'll stick with Canada, thank you very much. And uh... your army killed em. Pretty responsible IMO.

    Quit playing the role of martyrs here.

    EDIT: Enough agree to keep the soldiers in there.
  7. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I remember that day all too well.

    I was in 7th grade in my first class, social studies. We were having some eating day. Don't remember exactly but everyone brought in something to eat. Just before we were about to eat the principle came over the PA and said that a plan had crashed into one of the towers of TWC and that they didn't know much more than that.

    I didn't understand exactly what was going on at the time as the PA in the room wasn't the greatest. We went through with the class as normal. Then went to my next class where the TV was tuned in to live footage (ever class was like this the rest of the day). I remember watching the second plane crash and the towers collapsing.

    It wasn't until the end of the day that I figured out that they believed it was an act of terrorism.

    It all was a bit more scary for me that others because my dad is a pilot and it could have been him flying one of the planes if it weren't that he wasn't working that day. Several neighbors brought over baked goods and things.

    Something., shut up. Do you even know the true reasons we went to war? Not saying I agree but It's obvious you don't.
  8. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Yes. You are absolutely correct, we are wrong for mourning are friends , loved ones, and various other people in the events of 9/11. They're obviously the victims, our retaliation towards this attack was completely out of line.

    Do you listen to the things you say, or just spew out the nonsense?
    1 person likes this.
  9. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    So sad, I wish never to see it happen again.
  10. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I was in 5th grade. I remember, I got kicked out. I was sleeping in class, and got sent to the office, where they rolled out a tv out of nowhere and all the administration was watching it. I saw right as soon as it was on broadcast all the way through my detention (for something else :O), which was like until 5 PM or something. So I pretty much understood what was going on.
  11. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Your country sent them in. Your country is responsible.
  12. Mikey

    Mikey Guest

    You keep repeating the same thing over and over again in different words... We as a people did not have a say in whether or not our soldiers went in Iraq. The President and government did. Get that in your head...
  13. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    It's weird, my school made a BIG deal out of it today, when last year I hardly realized it was the eleventh... We even watched World Trade Center in my history class since the school was broadcasting it...

    Not disrespecting it or nothing, but it was weird that it got so much attention this year where I live.
  14. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    And who elected them in?

    I give up on you guys. Just keep killing innocent people, it's not your fault anyways.
  15. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Yes. We are responsible for our actions in Iraq. Our actions are to help Iraq rebuild it's Government from their last leader, and picking off Terrorists attempt to attack US forces. Over 3000 men and women died in events of 9/11, The Twin Towers, the aftermath - how many do you think Iraq has lossed so far?

    We have every right to mourn for our losses due to 9/11.

    Your initial point has been diminished, any further arguments are just trolling and unwillingness to have your points disproved.
    Bush was the best out of the options given to us, however poor that may be.

    Yes, please do leave. No one wants you here.
  16. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Glad to see having a different opinion is trolling.

    EDIT- Oh and the counts vary, but for civilians, I've seen an average of about 80,000. FYI that's about 27 times 3000.
  17. Paulie Walnuttz

    Paulie Walnuttz Ancient
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    wow now this is in general chat, well never forget this day, even tho i know no one will and...

    are you a ****ing moron, dude are you retared or something, enough said
  18. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Most of us were what? In fifth grade? Forth? We can't vote.
  19. Mysterious D

    Mysterious D Ancient
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    Your opinions are negative and hurtful to those you're broadcasting to, which - in a nutshell, my dear - is trolling.

    The war is not the topic of this discussion.

    You are trolling.
  20. xxDeeJxx

    xxDeeJxx Ancient
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    i watched it on the moring news, today i wore Red white and blue amor, Plus i always have 9/11 memorial on my fileshare, but i wen to change every slot to it, and it said that i violated somthing, and if i continued to do it then i would have my file share taken away

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