i want in, and BTW stoj said he isnt going to be able to make it, so does that mean...lol my brain cant comprehend and smeagle: I got you! you admitted that post count doesnt matter, soooo....*brain tingling* that means we all have a fair chance!!! sooo, could you post that list of people you think would be GOOD for the team, not just popular in the graphics and arts section?
Hari, dont take it that way. We just think that when people come to the G&A, youre not a "memorable" member.
OMG you can say it however you want but in essence you are still saying i am unpopular and therefore should not be included in the group. And thanks Sdrak, you seem to be the only one who believes in equal chances and fairness.
So far, I've invited, Smeagle, Plug, Stoj, Diz, and convulse. There'll be more discussion in the group.
Convulse has 38 posts total. My point is more than proven. You like him better so you invite him. Go to hell all of you.
sooo alby, im not good enough for you? is that it? I dont mean to sound like a ****, but this is really low of you....I seem to be making a lot of rants on FH lately, and I don't remember doing that back in June, July, and even the beginning of august....so what's wrong? and why won't you invite me?
It doesn't matter about post count. Im talking about GFX skill. And Sdrak, i've never even seen any of your work. chill
but what smeagle meant is that he is never ONLINE....thats the point oh and welcome to reaper of bunny, another favorite, yet he probably has less posts than me (actually definetely) in the graphics and arts section....yet, he is a favorite....please explain!
I doubt I have less post's than you in GaA since I don't post anywhere else where it counts. Btw sdrak, add me on msn.
The system in which the 'popular' members are selected is rather blurred. I'm not sure. But i know it's not right. Also, if you were going to exclude us in an erratic fashion, you shouldn'y have made a goddamn open thread and added me to the group before booting me because of your ****ing favs.
Hari, calm down dude. We aren't excluding you because of favs. Its just, we dont believe you are active enough to participate.
Sdrak, lemme see some of your work, and you being warned doesnt help. It doesn't set a good example. Maybe when your unwarned.
k. hari, first things first, chill out man, it's just some little halo group, who gives a flying ****? care less about your e-cred, man, go back to some design. c: also, if im not picked because of my post count, fair enough, chuck me on reserves or someshit.