*all serious* "It is imperative that you leave your ass on the phone Mike..." EPIC FIND DUDE!!! ummm "were you his gay lover?" haha truly amazing find!!! imma have to do this to my next redhanded telemarketer haha dude thats just too aweomse i cant stop wrting!
that was pure undeniable awesomeness, taht was fantastic, where did you find it? this is rediculous, im gonna send this to one of my friends. i should do this if i get the chance, i always thought it was a good thing that my house gets fewer telemarketers, but know i dont know.......... 6/5
I saw/heard this long time ago. I just love tom mabe hes one funny mother ****er. Hes great at doing these sort of things to people.
Have you seen his other stuff? Its hilarious. Like one where he yells at his kids while hes with customer service - "If you weren't so sh*tty at baseball you wouldn't have lost the game! Shut up and got to your room! Go to your room! Stop crying!"
lmao damn some has posted this before but alas it was not me, so yo ruined my chances of getting a triple :[