Its sept 10th, how come i didn't see any black holes, and how come im still alive? This is why i do not believe in all of this "end of the world" stuff...
So when do the results of this experiment come out. I am curious to find out what these scientists have discovered. Anyone know where to get the info?
You just can't let me sleep in peace. And knowing how this has been going, the next test will lead to another bigger one and that will lead to a bigger one and so on until the biggest experiment yet is scheduled for December 21, 2012. Then we will scream. This guy pretty much says everything I have to say about the LHC... (I know that it's Thursday night, Friday morning for some, but meh...This is an on-going topic.)
ok, so this idea that this will end the world is laughable. scientists say there is a miniscule chance that this will create a black hole... you must be saying now, oh its still a chance... EVEN if there is a black hole, the energy would not be able to sustain what a black hole takes to survive, so it would last less than a mili-second.