The world did'nt end. Damn!! I was so close. Uh, I mean Uh?!?! lol I wanted to see what it would be like if it did end, We could all finally see each other in Heaven. lol. It would be cool though, Apart from dying and **** like that. To be in another dimension is what I mean, Like you could be in your house and look out your window and Alien's in their fancy UFO's would be landing. Killing everything that lived on the planet Earth. =[ SadFace. But if there was going to be an invasion then we would kick ass. (Duh) We have all the nuclear weapons and would own alien's. lol
"Big Bang" experiment starts well Scientists have hailed a successful switch-on for an enormous experiment which will recreate the conditions a few moments after the Big Bang. They have now fired two beams of particles called protons around the 27km-long tunnel which houses the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The £5bn machine on the Swiss-French border is designed to smash particles together with cataclysmic force. Scientists hope it will shed light on fundamental questions in physics. The first - clockwise - beam completed its first circuit of the underground tunnel at just before 0930 BST. The second - anti-clockwise - beam successfully circled the ring after 1400 BST. Cern has not yet announced when it plans to carry out the first collisions, but these are expected to happen before the machine shuts down for winter. Original Source HERE We all live for now It will not kill us even when they do actually make the protons smash each other into even smaller pieces than they already are lol. If there are smaller pieces? I guess thats the whole point of this test lol. SeNTiNeL
Calm Down, people are entitled to there own opinion arnt they? Theres a very low chance that the world will end but however, it can still happen. it's like the lottery its a high chance that you will lose, but you still can win the jackpot, The same applies here.
That experiment better have yielded some damn good results. I still woke up this morning and therefore had to take a bish of a calculus test. And these are AP designed tests so you're meant to only get 50-60% on them. My parents are going to cry at progress reports. And I shouldn't even be in calculus!!! I'm only a junior!!! This is all that lousy experiment's fault.
Haha, i love how you have managed to connect Proton smashing to high school calculus. Just to make you feel even better all they did today, really and truely, was to make the protons wizz around the 27km track and see if there was any problems. It was all a success so now the smashing can begin!