These look really cool, I love them all!! But I can't have them, =[ SadFace. BTW, What do you mean bt "PS?" As in Playstation?
I agree that the Valhalla and Narrows ones are amazing. They're all amazing, but those two stand out. Awesome stuff, I would love to see more of the artist's work.
A modder could make these maps depending on how skilled he is. It's very well done, the pics are very well done.
i know but but bungie dosnet think like they should and the only map so far that i actually think is going to be ok is not saying bungies maps are bad im just saying that they arent very interesting Ghost Town was probally my favorite of thers yet but the whole oh it should rain in last resort never clicks for them and it just goes down the toob.....Back onto subject i like the ghost turning into an underwater Atlantis the most and the narrows the 2nd best
I'm in love with all of them except for Valhalla. It's too similar. The rest, however, I would easily replace the originals with. Any day. Forever.
I think that bungie never took into consideration the weather on maps. They thought about the time of day, but never if it was raining and thundering or snowing. Probably to make sure it didn't effect your line of sight and crap because backwash turned out so bad it wasn't in matchmaking. I also think that the grass you made is way more bound by that battle field feel. It's dark and tall, as if exotic. Sexy. I also love the sky on snowbound, because all of the maps outside in halo 3 are on calm, sunny, and unpolluted planets which is not how space, or organic with intelligent life planets really are.
I say, snowbound one looks the best. Its all like there was a fre, and its dark all the time, it would be awesome to play in game...
Mmmm. The Ghost Town one is what I would of wanted originally. It's simply epic. I also love Narrows. If they were designed like that I would be extremely happy.
Wow...these are ****ing sex on a stick... I just LOVE the Ghost Town one...the underwater look is so real.