Well, since I have only played Halo 3, I'll just list those. Guardian Blackout Avalanche Ghost Town Construct Cold Storage The Pit Narrows Foundry High Ground
I've only played Halo 3 too so these are my 10 (no order): -Ghost Town -Guardian -Foundry (for forge - deafult is crap) -The Pit -Valhalla -Sandtrap -Narrows -Construct -Highground -Last Resort
1. terminal 2. coagulation 3. waterworks 4. Headlong 5. the pit 6. ascension 7. gemini 8. ivory tower 9. construct 10. high ground I like bigger maps mostly.
1. Zanzibar 2. Terminal 3. Sanctuary 4. Blood Gulch 5. The Pit 6. Guardian 7. Epitaph 8. Containment 9. Foundation 10. Beaver Creek
1.) Headlong 2.) Turf 3.) Coagulation 4.) Terminal 5.) Ascension 6.) Foundry 7.) Zanzibar 8.) Beaver Creek 9.) The Pit 10.) Ivory Tower
1. Acension 2. Blackout 3. Beaver Creek 4. Headlong 5. The Pit 6. Avalanche 7. Waterworks 8. Sanctuary 9. Turf 10. Gemini
1) Lockout 2) Zanzibar 3) The Pit 4) Coagulation 5) Ghost Town 6) Foundation 7) Ascension 8) Ivory Tower 9) Turf 10) High Ground
1. Midship 2. The Pit 3. Foundry 4. Beaver Creek 5. Lockout 6. Cold Storage 7. Construct 8. Warlock 9. Ghost Town 10. Guardian all awesome 2v2 maps
1. Coag 4-ever 2. Contruct. Oh so spanktastic. 3. Avalanche 4. Narrows 5. Ascension 6. Lockout 7. Blackout 8. High Ground, I guess... 9. Turf 10. CONTAINMENT PLAWKS! My first XBL game was on here, so, yeah, it holds memories. Triangular pyramid fusion coils FTW?
I'm adding maps from all three Halo games: 1. Epitaph 2. Containment 3. Desolation 4. Relic 5. Guardian 6. Snowbound 7. Danger Canyon 8. Ice Fields 9. Infinity 10. Sandtrap
1. Guardian 2. Pitt 3. Last Resort 4. Construct 5. Assembly(looks so tight) 6. High Ground 7. Midship 8. Lockout(better than blackout) 9. Sandtrap(fun custom games) 10. Foundation (11. Griffball Court) ...(5000000. Epitaph)
1. Sandbox ( The new blank map.) 2. Avalanche 3. Standoff 4. Burial Mounds 5. Moonbase Alpha - (Orbital Rumor) 6. Assemble 7. Battle Creek 8. Blood Gulch 9. Terminal 10. Turf These are my 10 maps hope you enjoy.
1. Lockout 2. Guardian 3. Sanctuary 4. Pit 5. Midship 6. Ghost Town 7. Coag 8. Relic 9. Warlock 10. Construct
Oh wow. These maps aren't even out yet, and won't be out for quite a while. I suggest you pick maps that are available to the public at the moment. Don't you own a copy of Halo 3? You should at least know what maps are on the disc.
I'm not sure if i know ten maps, but ill go for it 1-the pit 2 gaurdian 3 blackout 4blood gultch 5 sidewinder thats all i know
Eww, Infinity? That maps too big even when you have 16 players to fill up a server. =P I'm going to include Halo:CE/PC games in my top 10. 1. Sidewinder (Excellent 16 player CTF) 2. Bloodgulch (Excellent 16 player CTF) 3. Ice Fields (Excellent 16 player CTF) 4. Death Island (Excellent 16 player CTF) 5. Rat Race 6. Chillout 7. Hang 'Em High 8. Ivory Tower 9. Lockout 10.Timberland I personally think that Halo:CE and HaloC had the greatest maps becasuse they were bulit to be good maps, they didn't neccasarily have to have map geometry focused around a theme.
QFT I think Bungie is missing the point with a lot of their new maps. All of them are so complicated as far as geometry is concerned. Sometimes less is more...especially in a basic game structure like Halo.
Why? WHY!? WHY!? I think you are the only one who enjoys Epitaph. I want that map to burn in hell. It's pure evil!