Dude my dad has had skin cancer and he had it removed, however it didn't seem like SKIN cancer was that big a deal, however I was young at the time.
Best of luck man... my dad died from cancer when i was 6. i know how it feels. im here for you. Need any support your fellow forgehubbers will provide. This is truely sad im so sorry to here this. again best of luck, Your support, huntaro002.
Just like when I saw a certain sad screenshot, DAMN IT, why did I have to be listening to a sad song when I read this? I wish you luck and I hope you pull through. Good fortune to you.
yea my dad almost died of it, but it got cured, evan if you do have it they can cure it easily by what it seems. good luck though. and next time wear sunscreen.(soory bout that joke, just trying to cheer you up)
Everybody, They treated my cancer and they said that I will be all right. I am freaking happy!!!!!!! I am going home today in like 5 minutes. I hope that nothing will happen in the future. Thanks for all of the support. You guys are awesome.
Wow that is a world of stress of your back and the backs of your family! Glad it was treated, man; cancer is a serious disease and needs to be wiped away from the face of humanity as a whole!
Wow, I'm glad you have that stress off of your back now. The advances of science nowadays, it nevers ceases to amazing me.
edit: i just saw you post, congrads man, i still meant wat i said good luck dude, all i can say is think positive and use something to occupy yourself. What i did was watch endless lee evans videos on youtube, hes a funny guy and it cheered me up. If you stop coming on forgehub it will be a loss, and when i say get well soon, i say it on behalf of all of forgehub. Im sure you wont get it, and if you do we will be here to help you get through it good luck
WOOT way to go man!!! Now you can make awesome maps and stay out of the sun!!!! I was praying for you man..........I really was. My mother had cancer and fought through.