Very sweet. That death-and-revival thing looks pretty cool, but I hope it isn't always available. It'd get mighty boring and easy if you can just rush, die, and have a friend save you every time.
The characters that save you are just as succeptable to death. If you keep overusing it, they will die trying to saving you.
... I cant think of anyone not buying this game, the graphics, and the map editor is sick it will be the best game that ever came out but ill probably like single player a little but mostly the editor.
Me, I'm NOT buying this. Until I get a professional review on this, if it's good, I'm not going to buy this. I won't because the time difference between making Far Cry 1, and making Far Cry 2 is at the most 2 years. I don't think they really spent much time making the game.
... Well thats your opinion....and some of its true but they had 2 years and that 2 years went well look at what beauty they made its just to amazing.
The only thing I'm going to hate are the maps that the 10 year olds make. Those little crappy flat/camping maps. It will be the same **** just like in Halo 3. But there will be good ones, and I love those type of editors so I am getting it.
Well, in about a month and a week, it'll be all mine! I'll buy 35674645 copies. HA! But, i love when he pulls the stick out of his leg.
OOOOKKK, theyre still there at the thread. anyway, Matty, in game what does the outside boundary look like? is it just a drop off? or is there just an invisible barrier?
First off, this game is amazing, and I have already created a few maps on it. Check them out if you have the game. Map Editor>Download Maps> Search> DieHardAssassin for creator. The single player is amazing too, i just hate getting ran over by jeeps... It is also annoying when you dont save and have to start way back at a safehouse. The map editor is stunning, and extremely easy to work with. Boundaries can be set for the map, by mountains, or also by a countdown to your death if you go past the boundaries.