U.d.l. 204

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by remyauxiliary, Sep 9, 2008.

  1. remyauxiliary

    remyauxiliary Ancient
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    UDL 204


    I created UDL 204 as a symmetrical training ground with neutral assault in mind where players are forced to enter guarded territory, but like most Halo maps this also doubles very well for team slayer, though having an objective other than killing is what this map was made for. I split the level into two halves with a fortress on either side separated by a wall that runs the majority of the map, and each side has a dual layered arena. This map is now entering the testing phase. Any and all comments appreciated.

    Points of interest:

    It should be noted that there are several weapons hidden around the map that have a limited supply of ammo. Originally I was not going to place any specialty weapons (I'm an Assault Rifle kind-of-guy) because I didn't want any one weapon ruling the game, so instead of not adding them, I hid them and gave them 1 clip. Strategically speaking, this works on 2 different levels. First, you have to ask yourself if your team could better use you on the front line, and second you have to ask yourself if its worth it to you to spend time finding a weapon that will only momentarily help your side. This way there is still an ebb and flow, but its not the tidal wave that usually results.

    Base Alpha

    Showin the symmetry :)







    Highlighting the four main entry points

    Note the mancannon along the far wall for quick infiltration/getaways

    Enjoy :)
    #1 remyauxiliary, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2009
    Zachary9990 and xFr1ct10nx like this.
  2. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    the map looks pretty nice..i like how you made it for assualt and broke free from the slayer feel
  3. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    wow this looks almost exactly like my map excavation(click on it in my sig), i give u props for having a brain like mine. but still look at my map.
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    sweet map
    props for the near perfect symmetry on such a large scale.
    i see that you interlocked.
    and that you didnt geomerge.
    ill give you a 3.7/5 but no dl for me i like the power weapons in the open
  5. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Not bad, I'll give it a 70% just because there needz m0ar intl0x!!!! Lol, but seriously, I'd try interlocking. It really helps to clean up a maps neatness and helps make some amazing aesthetics.

    ANARCHlST Ancient
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    Nice! I love the style, but you could have interlocked more. Map looks great.
  7. LinkFox101113

    LinkFox101113 Ancient
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    This is one of those maps that doesn't really need any interlocking.

    Anyway, I like the design.
    The wall in the center is original (from my perspective) and has great aesthetics at the top.

    My only concern is the turrets on the base.
    I haven't played it yet so I can't say for certain.

    BTW, Are the back tunnels used?
    I just noticed that there are doors in the doorways (Go figure!).

    (I'm afraid to give ratings anymore. They make comments look "newbish.")
    #7 LinkFox101113, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  8. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    Ok, here's another thing I thought of. Honestly, it isn't really the best idea to have a big wall in the middle, as it makes gameplay very unbalanced. All you'd have to do is sit in a good spot with a shotty or whatever, and you could destroy everyone. I haven't played the map yet so I don't know the weapons. Even though you have a lot of doorways, they're very narrow, so it's kind of like teleporter camping. If you'd fix up the middle then I think it'd be really really fun to play on. I see how you just made this map to see comments on your construction abilities, and it seems as if you have the makings of a very good forger! Keep on forging, and I hope to see a V2 sometime soon!
  9. remyauxiliary

    remyauxiliary Ancient
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    Thank you. I just figured that most any map can be slayer, but having a goal-oriented map would make a good choice :)

    Ok my friend, I downloaded your map and beyond a couple of vague similarities (bridge, turret, a/b sign in the general base area), our maps look nothing alike. At all. Perhaps if you look at the other pics I posted, or maybe try downloading the map you will see that they are truly worlds apart.

    Thanks for the props, but I was operating under the idea that you had to download the maps before you rate. I thought this because thats what it says in the FH manual. Pictures only tell part of the story. Seeing as how I currently only have 1 download for the map, theres no reason that I should have 4 comments, right?

    Thank you for the comment. I have been looking into interlocking, but at the time it was just easier to learn to build without trying fancy things. Ive already learned a ton of new tips from here that I will be adding to my new maps :)

    Interlocking seems to be quite popular! :)

    1st: I appreciate you letting me off for not interlocking and just looking at the map for what it is, instead of what it isn't :)

    2nd: Thank you for complimenting my use of a center wall. This was done to really stretch out the map to where players start in their base, have to go all the way to the other side to enter into enemy territory and then make your way back in to score. this also separates the battle very nicely into 'offensive' and 'defensive'.

    3rd: I'm hoping that you reluctance to the turrets is in reference to balance. And if thats the case, yes, the turrets were difficult to balance out. Once you're in-game you will see that they have a fairly limited range of view, done purposefully so that they do not end up owning the entire field, yet are still very useful.

    4th: Thank you for chancing the 'noob-look' by giving me a rating. Extra thanks for the 5 of 5 :)
    #9 remyauxiliary, Sep 9, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
    Norbert220 likes this.
  10. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
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    this looks like it could become i really great map. like others have been saying taking advantage of all the new tricks like switches and interlocking would be great i hope there will be a V2
  11. xFr1ct10nx

    xFr1ct10nx Ancient
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    "Ok my friend, I downloaded your map and beyond a couple of vague similarities (bridge, turret, a/b sign in the general base area), our maps look nothing alike. At all. Perhaps if you look at the other pics I posted, or maybe try downloading the map you will see that they are truly worlds apart."-remyauxiliry

    well ya i know i was mainly talkin about the bridge/turret your right about the main part of foundry though the look maybe alil similar but not really. srry about rant on about that b4 i never got the cance to give u a good comment it looks ok i mean everyone keeps talking about this on ur map that it needs more interlocking if it didid give u about a 3.8/5 so good job.
  12. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    the layout is nice, but it could use some work
    u ahvenet flipped all the bridges, if your worried about bumps you should interlock them
    i you have only those four entry points right next to eachother, it will make for terrible gameplay
    may want to open the wall up more,
    and get rid of the camping weapon at the only entrances
  13. remyauxiliary

    remyauxiliary Ancient
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    Im very glad that you have put so much thought into UDL 204, and I appreciate the positive comments, but I'm much more interested in what you think after you actually play the map with the intended gametype and correct amount of players. Like I said before, I read something in the FH forums that say not to rate before downloading the map. Is this incorrect? I cant seem to find it now, even with the fancy search button. Maybe I thought it said that somewhere because that seems to be the best way to judge something... ya know, by trying it, not looking at a couple of screenshots and shooting from the hip. Maybe its just me :)

    Thank you for your positive comment. Im not sure that I would really use the interlocking on anything but the main wall for this map. I do intend on using it extensively for future maps because of all the options it opens up, but most all the pieces here were cooperative :)

    I am glad that you agree, now could you go back and edit your original post so that people passing through don't think I am some rip-off artist? Thanks :)

    The bridges that are unflipped are done on purpose. I hadn't learned to interlock yet, but there wasn't really a reason to flip those... the only bumps that really stand out are on the wall and that shouldn't detract from gameplay too much.

    I'm gathering since you used the future tense in "it will make for terrible gameplay" that you haven't actually tried it and cannot give me useful feedback. I am very interested in your opinion because placing the only openings near each other was a design idea I really liked, so once you have played the map as intended, I will be all ears :)

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