
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Something., Sep 8, 2008.

  1. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Jack and Jill went up the hill
    to fetch a pail of water.

    There were no survivors.

    What was once a lovely nursery rhyme has become a lulz-inducing happy tiem magic game :D! To start off, let me give you bit of background info.


    Right, so here we have Jack and Jill, who decided they needed to get some water. Rather than go to the stream which was 20 GODDAMN FEET from them, they had to go up the hill to fetch a pail of water. Fate being a kindly person, spiked the water with mind altering drugs. Now Jack and Jill have telekinetic powers, and are pissed off for some reason.

    The Heroes have arrived!

    The townspeople have elected YOU (Yes, you) to go up the hill and put Jack and Jill out of their drug-induced misery. You'll have to go very slowly though, as you don't want to break your new high heels.

    Very Important. Srsly.

    Jack and Jill aren't going out without a fight, though, oh no. Using previously mentioned telekinetic powers, they have coralled a bunch of the rollingyest junk they could find, and are preparing to launch it down the hill at exceedingly large speeds towards you. You'll have to dodge these as you make your way up the hill.

    Phew, close one.

    If you managed to accomplish this task, you will be showered with not one, not 72, but 73 virgins! However, the consequences for failure are most dire.



    LOLZ. Now go out there and get splattered, ya punk.


    #1 Something., Sep 8, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
    AqueousBeaver likes this.
  2. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    This looks really fun! I've always wanted to make something along these lines, but I've never had the patience with the interlocking! Glad you made it and made it well! I will download it now and if I can't because I'm full, well something else will have to go! :D
  3. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    haha love the story.

    love the idea, seen a couple of maps like these, but yours is a lot bigger and has a good story to go with it. the hill seems kind of bumping, but i guess that gives the humans and chance to get up the hills.


    yah so there are always those people who never follow rules and think they are cool when they break them. these people may just jump down and cut the humans when they are zombie, unless you made jack and jill very weak with no shields then that problem is fixed.

    from the looks of it the humans have a very small chance of getting up to the top. considering they are slow and have objects flying down upon them. are there any items to help the humans? or any objects that spawn later for cover? or the humans have a chance, because i haven't played the game yet.

    overall great map, good idea, nice story.
  4. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This looks fun however it looks to easy to get to the top. Could you make the text a different color because people still use old school. Good Map Tho
  5. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks really fun, but my only doubt is that the wire spools will roll to the bottom, and then just be stuck down there, and will take to long to respawn at the top. If this is true, maybe you could try making this on avalanche, with the wire spools falling off the cliff. 2.5/5 if the wire spools take to long to respawn, 4.5/5 if they respawn fairly quick
  6. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    This idea has been done in a similar way before, but this is different. It is more funny. So, the heroes are the zombies and jack and jill are the humans? Is that how it is set up?
  7. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    As for the potential problems you guys addressed:

    1: You can jump the spools, but it's pretty hard, And you do get a bit of warning before they get blasted down by mancannons. Use it wisely.

    2) Jack and Jill rarely get past as they are very weak. Worst case, just ride a mancannon back down and they will only escape if you're borderline retarded.

    3) It is a little bumpy for humans to walk over (No more than any other map, really), but wire spools zip all the way down almost perfectly. In all the games I playtested, I don't recall one not making it to the bridges. Sometimes, they do a little skip about 5 feet to the side when you least expect it, causing some surprise splatters.

    4) Spawns are a bit of an issue. I have the wire spools on a drop spawn with 10 second respawns AND run time minimum set to max, and it still can take a while. In groups of 6 or less the spawns work perfectly fine, but with more people, it somehow spawns less often. Anybody who has ideas on how to speed up the spawns, I'd appreciate it.

    EDIT: Jack and Jill are zombies, people at the bottom are humans.
    #7 Something., Sep 8, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  8. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Lol, this is the greatest map post thread ever.

    "High Heels"
    Important, srsly.

    I LOLOLOL'd.

    As for the map, the interlocking looks kinda sloppy, but overally it seems like an interesting mini game-infection whatnot game. I will try it out
  9. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    Only interlocks are on the walls, my friend. And I made them smooth where they counted.
    Interlocking the walls making up the hill would not have helped functionality. It works perfectly fine, anyways.

    OOH, OOH, I also geomerged the boxes againSt the foundry wall. WEE!
  10. biscuit127

    biscuit127 Ancient
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    This is the first post I've seen thats actually made me laugh... Original Idea for a gametype, it looks like really good gameplay from the pics. 5/5 and DL
  11. d3adly ninja

    d3adly ninja Ancient
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    looks hilariously funny.
    you also gave a great a funny description.
    i going to dl, but because of that description i have to dl no matter what because it just sounds that good :)
  12. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I thought there weren't wirespools on Avalanche. Or am I mistaken? Regardless, this game is fun if you like the vent and if you like splattering people with wirespools.
  13. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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    There are no wire spools on Avalanche, I'm almost positive. And I did everything I could to make them spawn as fast as possible. 10 second respawn timer, run time min set to max, AND drop spawns.
  14. Ak Gumby

    Ak Gumby Ancient
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    Try to say something that hasn't been said, try to provide info on what can help improve the map, or just give feedback on the map after you got done playing it. Not just "sweet map, u haz my dl."

    Spam, just...spam.
    I'll just quote what I said to Mavcev.
    I had attempted to make a map like this with this idea implemented, although I just never got it finished. I will DL and come back give feedback on what I thought about it's gameplay and replay value. From the screens, it looks quite fun.
  15. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    This looks really fun! How did you come up with this very unique idea? Great map an I hope to see more from you. 5/5 for originality.5/5 overall :D
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    this looks good. the interlocking gives a good first impression from the pics
    the story was good. if it plays like doom tunnel without the wire things gettint all caught up i will efifinitely dl. cant right now tho dl thing is full
  17. Something.

    Something. Ancient
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  18. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    That was quite funny, I lol'd. The map looks really fun, I always do enjoy watching people get pwned by wire spools...makes me laugh every time. 5/5.
  19. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    hahaha! funny ill download but i have to clear off some of my maps. 4.9/5 for now.

    silly potato!
    #19 spartin2000, Sep 13, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 26, 2008
  20. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Killing people with wirespools never gets old. One of the best feel good moments in Halo 3 is splattering people. I think this game is the most fun with a large amount of people so you can get more splatters per wirespool or crate. It's both sad and unfortunate to watch the harmless duo known as Jack and Jill get shot and killed. But we can all move on. Here's the classic nursery rhyme with a humorous twist:

    Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water.
    Jack fell down and broke his crown
    And threw it out the window.

    The window, the window, he threw it out the window.
    Jack fell down and broke his crown
    And threw it out the window.

    There's more to the song: http://www.songsforteaching.com/nurseryrhymes/outthewindow.htm

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