I've looked everywhere and I can't find out what it means or what it does Can anyone help me? Please What does Assymetrical mean????? :happy:
Everywhere but a dictionary? Asymmetrical - Definitions from Dictionary.com It means not symmetrical.
He can also be referring to asymmetrical/symmetrical gametypes. A symmetrical gametype is like Team Slayer/Multi Flag/etc. Where as an asymmetrical gametype is 1Flag. You can change your weapons/equipment/items settings to asymmetrical/symmetrical/both, and really change the gameplay for each gametype, asymm/symm.
Yea, basically, Assymetrical means that the teams don't have the same objectives, such as in 1 Flag, one team defends, one attacks, same with One bomb, One-sided VIP and the like.
If you mean in a Forged map, putting and object on Symmetrical means that it will spawn in games when both teams have the same objective (2 Flag CTF, Assault, etc.). Asymmetrical refers to gametypes like 1 Flag CTF, 1 Bomb, etc. Hope this helps. Good Forging!
I meant for like Forge because I want to make three bridges spawn on my KOTH variant of my map, but I don't want it to spawn during slayer.... How do I do that?