hey killion good luck and you know i feel really bad for you man if you do and if you dont have it than im really happy for you but good luck and may God be with you my friend
WTF? That isn't right. You got to hate it when terrible stuff like that happens. I will be thinking of the guy from the internets who could be sick tonight. I say TAKE THIS TO THE FRONT PAGE! But seriously I do.
I'm wishing you the best man, I really hope you don't have skin canser... Good luck and all the best.
I have had tragedies happen to my really close friends lately also. One of then is diagnosed with Cancer and is said to die within 2 weeks from now. And another got in a car accident and was declared Brain Dead and was taken of Life Support yesterday. They are both great people, and one was going to become Pro Soon. I wish then the best in this, and the next world, keep fighting for all you who struggle with the misfortunes of life, for you are stronger then your opponent!
I hope you dont, if you do i hope you get better everyone should stop joking around its a very serious concept. I am with you, all the best -A SouthPark Kid
I can only hope for the best. Recognize that cancer patients are living longer & longer each year though, due to some great advances in science. Good luck, sir, and hold strong.
Halo 3. Trust me. It replaces food, water, sleep and... oh wait it doesn't replace them it just takes up all the time you'd be consuming them. But I truly am sorry sir. You can have all my loves: <3
why do these things happen life can be so cruel, but i hope life isnt cruel to you and that you make it through this. i wish you good luck and hope nothing bad will happen. from, meGa Thumbs
Guys, thanks for the support. I will have to go now though. I am laying down in the hospital and they say that yes I do. My family is right outside. The good side is that the docters said that since you came early, it is treatable. Man, I hope that it is. I might come back later today or tomorrow. I have no idea when I will be home though....
Cereal? ARE YOU CEREAL!! lol, If you have skin cancer, I'l make a ceremony in halo for you. AS in, A church, And graveyard, And we'll put a body up in the coffin pretending to be. I'm not being funny, I will, Killnon has been the 1st EVER person to make friends with on Forgehub, I already knew Da Pig from XBL, But if your just messing and pretending, Then I agree with Actually cool;446527, GTFO.
Your lucky, skin cancer is the most non lethal cancer there is. My dad has had it since he was young, it's very treatable. You don't need radiation or anything, you should consider yourself lucky you didn't get it some where else. It's tough getting all the little cancers cut though, it hurts. But you'll get through it. good luck and god bless. stay strong.
Man, you actually have it? Sucks. At least they said it's treatable. Here's hoping that you stay around for a long time.
I am really bored here at the hospital right now, so I will be on forgehub for 30min-1 hour. They say I need rest, but I can't sleep. Oh, DA HITMAN, Thank a lot for that message. No, I am not making it up. I really appreciate it.
I have the same problem. I could develop it too... the sun is my worst enemy. I really hope you don't have cancer man. If you do, I bet it will be treatable. Just don't give up hope. Best of wishes, Warfang866
Cancer is some scary stuff. I'm very sorry that you have to deal with it, but it's a good thing it's treatable. Stay strong. On a more cheery note whilst staying on subject, my dog lost a front leg to nerve cancer so we tell everybody he got into a fight with a grizzly bear. Dogs actually do pretty well on three legs. Just as I'm sure people do fine with however they get rid of skin cancer.