Electric Slide

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Pegasi, Sep 8, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    9 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    5 vote(s)
  3. Average

    7 vote(s)
  4. Good

    19 vote(s)
  5. Great

    46 vote(s)
  1. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    good job getting this map featured. wow 2 features in 1 day, unless i'm mistaken, and liek stated before i really like the middle part it changes up the gameplay a little bit
  2. nicjgoat

    nicjgoat Ancient
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    meh. great forging, everything seems really smooth. i got caught on the floor maybe once. didn't really like the games I played though. too much spawn camping. just sayin.

    one of the single open boxes sticks out enough that it prevents you from jumping in if your standing up against it. kind of a nuisance.
  3. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    I loved the danger meter!!!!!! That's one of the most amazing pieces of forge technology I've ever seen! The map as a whole is also amazing. It shall make for some epic 2v2 matches.
  4. Sharpestt

    Sharpestt Ancient
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    Slayer on this map is intense. Action doesn't stop, struggle for weapons, no great one spot to hold because of the way it's designed. For grenades. But I think that's kind of a problem too. Small map, designed for grenades. It gets to be one giant explosion. Overall I like it, but it could use a little breathing room. Still fun though, my main complaint at the end was that it went too fast.

    2-Flag. Uh.. I can't say I didn't enjoy playing it, but it got frustrating. The main problem with that was the long flag return time and fast respawn. Then the sniper spawn, where one team can end up staring at the other team's unsuspecting sides/backs. With the flag, it can lead to a lot of grenade spam, but when you get past that it's pretty good. The whole game ended up being one team gets the flag, the other spawns at sniper and stop the flag/grabs the other team's flag. Then its just an unbearably long tug-o-war that is determined more by who spawns at sniper spawn at the right time. I think it could have been fixed with a larger map or no middle point respawn for the map and shorter flag return or slightly longer spawns for the gametype.

    I didn't get a chance to play KOTH yet, but I can really see it being a grenade fest. You have to be in one little area to get points, and grenades destroy on this map. I imagine it will be one team gets in the hill, gets grenade spammed and the other team takes it. Then the first team respawns and grenade spams. Repeat. Of course, this is just what I imagine. I think that it's a good guess, but there is a possibility that I could be wrong. But I doubt it.

    I love what the map was going for. A good grenade map, but with the such a small size, it got to the point where grenades are just thrown in the other teams direction for easy kills and hoping that you survive when they do the same to you.

    The sniper is a great weapon, and with the constant dying that happens on this map (hard to avoid with the constant grenades) it switches hands A LOT, so it's not dominating. Only serving for a few good kills at the most. The BRs are good for picking off the shieldless opponet after he is grenaded or your teammate loses a fight. Other than that they are always beaten by the more "up close and personal" weapons. Overall, the weapons all serve their purpose very well and none of them are dominating, even the mauler. That suprised me, seeing how the map is so small.

    The Tripmine is hardly every used. It's hard to get, being at an easy spot to get grenades in and only one way in and out. The Regenerator is great at times, but with the majority of weapons used frequently on this map (grenades, PR, SMG, mauler) killing people quickly, it doesn't save you for very long. If anything, it gives the other team an easy target to grenade, knowing someone will be cowering in it. The grav lift was a cool idea and it works well, and destroying it actually became useful a few times, even though the teams don't use it that much. It spits you out right in the middle of a harsh grenade spot, and is only a smart thing if your teammate needs help or there is an uncontested weapon up for grabs.

    The map itself looks great (other than the center structure, but that has some fun moments nading and in one case sniping through the cracks), and it has a lot of small features that I love in maps. Mainly the ramps to the sniper and the ramps to the middle. The bottom center structure made of window panels is great. The sliding dumpster is hilarious, and it's a great little touch. The map is easy to get out of, but this map plays so fast-paced that you won't have time if you would decide to do that for any reason.

    I like it much more than Yukon, and probably less than Urban. The Urban spawns raped, srsly. I liked the openess of Yukon, but I never got to have those good BR fights that should have happened. I'll probably play this one a little longer before replying again, but it's seeming to be just above "ok" in my opinion.

    Sorry if you do not agree, but that's how I feel. If anyone responds to this, I will give further thoughts on KOTH and the map in general next time I find a chance to get on.
    Shock Theta and Pegasi like this.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey, congrats on the feature. This map looks nice, I like the layout of it, I think I might start to use stickys more and practice with them lol. Hey and question when are the brackets going to be up for round 3 and if they are can you post them here or send me a PM ty.
  6. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    2v2 really looks fun in here and I hope I am going to have fun. Nice little dome in the center. You made your map look very unique. Great job.
  7. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    Well i thought it was going to be posted or having at least some recognition that it began.
    And I guess the team that we were supposed to be up against forfeits too?
    How does that work?
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    If they tried contacting you in the thread, then you forfeit. If neither of you attempted to organize a match, then a team is randomly chosen a winner. Go look at your team's standings in the tournament bracket section. If you won your first match, then you'll still be in the tournament no matter what. Odds are you'll be in the loser's bracket playing Yukon Canyon this week. So make sure to organize a match this time, or you'll be out of the tournament.

    Make sure to check the tournament bracket section often to see who and when you'll be playing.

    Oh, and Electric Slide is my favorite map of this tournament so far. I'm a beast with frag grenades, so hopefully I'll do well in next week's match. Can't wait to get another match on this.
  9. XED360X

    XED360X Ancient
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    i like it but it dosnt look that big and im after amazing maps like this but ones that are big but good map making skills you have got there and you could make some awsome maps 8/10
  10. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    I must say, this map is very unique. The fact that you can grenade bounce in so many different spots, it really puts Halo 3's grenade ricochet ability to the test. Great job.
  11. Lunches 11

    Lunches 11 Ancient
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    No offense but to me this map seems a little messy and unpolished. Good job anyway though, I can see a lot of effort and interlocking talent went into this.
  12. gobbles

    gobbles Ancient
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    Hmmm... this is alot like Simplex by supergooseberry, have you ever played it?

    Download and compare lol He deleted the pics from the FH thread but the thread is still there. (this isn't advertisement for the map)
    dented_drum likes this.
  13. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    If paradoxical bliss could be defined in map form, I believe it would be so in the obvious contrast between the quality of the map and the quality of the map's name, lulz.

    I'd like to say how much I really love this map. I've found just a few minutes to get online (my computer crashed), and I'm thrilled to be able to spend most of that time on this map. I've spent both Forge-through time and playtesting time on this map, and both impressed me thoroughly. Initially, I like the Weapon Placement. I suppose that's the most obvi0us route to take as a first compliment. I love that there's hardly ever a point where the map beats you. That is, I've rarely found myself unable to make the best of a situation due to the map's own faults.

    There is an equal amount of Weaponry and Scenery placed to make the previous possible. That truly impresses me. I also love how it's up to the player to find the proper surfaces on which to bounce his Grenades at the opposition. I've noticed that the Fence structure in the middle doesn't serve as a Grenade-bouncing surface as well as some of the others do. The angles of the surrounding walls make it possible for any focused player to outsmart the other team.

    In playtesting, I found that mere lack of sense of direction was my biggest issue. In a CTF match, I even (unknowingly) took the opposition's flag back to their base (away from our's). I realized, though, that this can be fixed on my own. I actually can see this as a benefit. Not all participants in the tournament spend playtesting time like Sharp and I; so, we will have that on our side.

    In one particular CTF match, both teams were stalemated at 1-1 for some extended amount of time. This several-minute span of time allowed Sharp and I to grasp a lot of the benefits I've mentioned above. The Flag Respawn Time can become quite overwhelming; but, again, we can learn the map's scenery well enough to use this to our benefit. I'd like to offer up a large, large amount of congratulation to the map's creator (I haven't even checked to see who made it yet, lulz). I'll definitely find out who as soon as I'm done with this post. Thanks for a great map, and thanks to ForgeHub for the tournament.

  14. dented_drum

    dented_drum Ancient
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    Ghost, read it!

    I could've said that in a PM, but I also remembered a few pleasing parts of ES that I wanted to note.

    The middle structure's slots that allow the player to shoot up/down are amazing. What initially seemed to be a trivial addition came to save both my friend and I several times. Also, the GravLift spawns are great. I noticed that you decided to keep them off Instant Respawn. I haven't the slightest idea why you'd do this, but I know I like it. It's different, and I can see myself using that to corner an opponent for an important flag stop or game-saving assist. Great job on both of those, bro.
    Pegasi likes this.
  15. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Thanks. The middle structure actually isn't exactly how I envisioned it. I was originally going to close it off entirely, but, due to my poor trig skillz, I had to leave it open in those corners. I didn't like it myself until one day, in a 1v1 test, Rusty Eagle stuck me right in the face while I was shooting down the holes at him. That's when i fell in love with the structure as it stands now.

    As for the grav-lifts, I decided to do that mostly based on one of the old 1 v 1 maps (PI???). I liked the idea of it almost being a strategic maneuver to kill the grav-lift. Mostly, it just adds a nice dynamic to the map.
  16. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    This didn't have to be out until next week, and you didn't explain to anyone that this isn't the map were playing this week for the (LB) people.

    It's just creating confusion.
  17. CJDUB18

    CJDUB18 Ancient
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    DUDE Love the map its so awesome!!!!
  18. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    All I did was write up stuff about the map. I'm just a plain ol' premium member.
  19. ShadowVanish

    ShadowVanish Ancient
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    The first good map I have seen that uses the spinning Grav Lift Trick. The Aesthetics in this are very good. Very original.
  20. Spark

    Spark Ancient
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    WOW nice map dude! i love the center dome part very nicely interlocked 5/5 great Job and grats on the feature!

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