The MLG rules of Today are as Follows: Weapons: Battle Rifle Carbine Mauler Rocket Launcher Sniper Rifle PLasma Pistol Grenades: (Plasma Grenades) (Frag Granades) I don't know how to Explain about the maps, but I can tell what or what is a good or bad MLG map. Let's just say that I have that type of EXP.
THIS NEEDS TO BE STICKIED. It has all the info anyone would ever need about anything MLG related!!! I never could have kept track of all the weapons MLG uses!!!! I'ma go make a few feature worthy MLG maps based off this info. Eat your heart out.
There's only six. You might want to mention that SO FAR. No mlg maps have had teles, sheild doors. No foundry maps have had sniper, rockets, or plasma pistol. All foundry maps have been symetrical and had 5 bases (red, blue, center and both sides).
A lot more info could be added to this, such as fence walls generally have sheild doors placed in them
your sarcasm fails Anyway, this is basic knowledge, and I am pretty sure there is already a thread about this, or at least contains this information.