I am really sad. Right now, I am in the hospital with my laptop and waiting to see if I have skin cancer. If I do then then.....well, you know. I am just hoping that I don't (no duh) I, uh, might not be on for a while since you know. I might be on tomorrow morning and that is it for like maybe 2-3 days. Anyway guys, I have to go. Bye. With hope for myself, Killnon2
I am totally there with you man. I too had this experience and all I can say is just think positive. This is a scary thought to have I know I know. I really hope you do not have cancer because that is just ****ed up. My thoughts will be with you all the way. Good luck with your future and again; I really hope you do not have cancer.
The world ends on thursday so you won't suffer...much. Anyway, I really hope you don't have cancer, that would be sad. :C
OJ helps . No but I feel bad for ya. If this is a joke though you might wanna give it up but if not, I'll think about ya.
McCain John McCain beat skin cancer........Twice! And he's still going strong at nearly 72. You won't have it, and even if you do you'll beat it. The Hub's thoughts are with you.
Flaming Quit flaming........the kid may have cancer.......he's in the hospital........that's your third flame in this thread........quit flaming. Thank you.
...Wait, how old are you? Knowing that I'm a redhead, I'll probably get skin cancer, unless I develop a way to to constantly stay indoors.
Your not funny.... Agreeing with post above me, this kid might have skin canceer and all you can think of is flaming up the thread nice. Well I hope the best, I know u dont have it
Aww, thats terrible. Hope they have a curez =l They prablably won't but...Hopezz you don't have cancer.
It's some scary **** killnon, I hope you odn't have it, thoughts be with you man. I think I neeeda get etsted too, my grandmother died of cancer, and my mother had skin cancer, it's tough. Good luck
Man, if you're serious then that really sucks man, I just hope you're going to be ok man? But I might have some sort of strange tumor as well, my ribcage has a small lump under it and it's kinda weird, but good luck man!
If you do have cancer, (which I hope you don't), I can say that it is definetley the lesser of the cancers, still sucks and it's dangerous, but I have a old neighbor, 83 years old, still judges for the Academy awards, old rich guy, ya know. (Not kidding) and he has cancer stuff removed almost avery month frome his ears and stuff. lol. I'm sure you'll be able to fight it, don't worry about it too much. GLuck Love, Zachary9990
My grandpa has had cancer twice and has been cured both times. It's definitely a stressful and emotional time. We're there for ya.
They're not flames, they're jokes that are in poor taste given the thread's subject. Good luck with the results. I hope the best for you.