Gears 2 is going to be so much better then gears 1 and even gears 1 was way more bad-ass than halo could ever be. So i want to know, Gears 2 or Halo 3?
Yeah right! I barely liked gears of war, its the most boring game in my collection of 6 360 games. Playing the game co-op at first was fun, but replaying it, and it sucks. I don't think gears of war 2 will be any better, but i'd still by it, on the count of it just havinh the number 2 in it....
well gears one came out before i had i 360 so i would play it at a friend's house and then get addicted. i am terrible online though. i can't even get a kill, but gears 2 looks so amazing that i have to make myself get good.
yeah, its hard for me to kill anyone in gears too. The online isn't that fun. it tends to get boring really quick...
true but the new executions and MEATFLAG! how beast is that? idk i guess we have a difference in opinions
What was your first clue? Anyway, Halo 3 was way over hyped and turned out mediocre. Halo 3 isn't going to live as long as Halo 2 did. Gears 2 is probably overhyped now that I think about it... But, at least the gameplay in the first one was good. Gears 1 had a Halo 1 feel to it. It felt like it had some huge potential and just a few tweaks could really make it great. I think Gears 2 has the needed tweaks to make it an outstanding game.
OK personally i think that gears 2 will kick ass for a while then halo 3 will then come back there arent enough players on gears of war to start with so halo 3 should not die gears 2 i am going to pre-order so but, still play halo 3 they both rock i kinda like gears 2 a little more i need to play gears 2 to find out.
Are you crazy! Halo 3 isn't mediocre. What makes Halo 3 mediocre? About 500,000 people play that game a day! As long as another Halo game doesn't come out (Not mentioning the Halo RTS) people will continue to play Halo 3.
Why it wont kill halo, and forgehub is no forge, and there is no possibility of forge ever coming out in gears of war, though the gamepay absolutely kills halos, in my opinion, forge and storyline in halo are much better then that of gears. Though I will be constantly laying gears 2, over halo 3, simply because of my mad talents in gears 1
i think were not thinking of most underdogs.....hello far cry 2 is going to own and pown call of duty is going to make a 5 and a halo 4
GoW doesn't appeal to the FPS market (i.e. Halo) as much as something like CoD. I'm not a fan of TPSs and try and avoid or remedy them. It's not going to drain the Halo population too much, but it will draw in others and possibly overtake Halo in top UUs.
I can list many reasons why Halo 3 is mediocre. Halo 1 was brilliant! But Halo 3 is a sad shell of it's former glory. 1. Just about every weapon has been balanced to be equal to each other. This means that there are maybe 6 weapons in Halo 3. The weapons don't even have their own special effects. The Needler. Spiker. Sniper. BR. AR. Rockets. Shotgun. 2. Map design is horribly lacking. Each map has bad balance or has a feature that makes it horrible. 3. Why do I need another reason? I listed the two most important things that FPS games need! The point is, if you want to see what true 'brilliant' FPS games are like, play UT3(Another shadow of it's former glory but it still has the elements of a good shooter.) and TF2. Those games are two very different styles of shooters and are both great. Another point of interest is that by useing your logic, Soulja Boy is a very good rap artist and that the Wii is the greatest console knowen to man. Popularity=/=good.
Your reasons why Halo 3 is a mediocre game are quite vague. You say the weapons don't have a "special effect." Needlers shoots homming projectiles that explode after they are embedded. Spikers are very good at bringing down shields when combo with another weapon such as the smg. And I can't see how you can give a special effect to normal human weapons like the rockets, sniper rifle, assault rifle, and shotgun. Its not like they were build from alien technology. The BR shoots a burst of 3 bullets. And you didn't really proven your problem with the map design either. All you said was that H3's map design "has a bad balance and has a featured that makes it horrible"...What?! That doesn't make any sense! i think your trying to bash Halo 3 just because its Halo 3. Also, the games you named, I have no clue what they are. I just see letters and numbers like UT3 & TF2, what games are those!?!
Unreal Tournament 3 and Team Fortress 2. They're so popular, abbreviating their names is fair game. No, they're both very similar. The key difference is the art style, UT3 has deathmatch game modes, and TF2 forces classes. Other than that, they're both run-n'-gun, team-oriented shooters.
Unreal Tournament 3 and Team Fortress 2. Both are fun to me, but I'd much rather be playing Halo 3 than them, and TF2 from time to time is fun. UT3 was fun the day I got it, haven't touched it sense, and I'm thinking of trading it in for something.
No, people have their opinions, and most of them will come to play Halo 3 again. I mean, Call of Duty didn't do a thing to Halo 3, so why should GoW2?