So, here's my pictures from TGIF #15. I had quite a good time, I hope you guys did too. Feel free to post your own. Insane54's Awesome TGIF of Awesomeness #15! Group Picture #1 Group Picture #2 Group Picture #3 What happens after the group pictures.... "RUNRUNRUNRUNRUN!!! AHHHHH!!!" Kicking up the dus--Spartans? The Purple Monsters, taking a beating at the Battle of the Purpleness. We held for very long, but eventually they found a hole in our defences D: Killtacular! I felt so proud of myself until after the game, where I found out three other people got one too. The traditional Insane-noscope-headshot-of-awesomeness-that-i-have-to-do-every-TGIF We barraged him on both sides of the cave until he finally died, but it took quite a while. A great game of Necro Falls is proven by a huge mass of dead bodies. "Madness?! THIS! IS! SPARTAAA!!!" "Hey look...I'm Sir Toppum's Hat!" "I could swear I heard something from that direc--uhh...ohai?" TPB Kamikaze and Insane54...keeping your children safe on the streets! Here's the only pic I took from TGIF #14, I've been too busy to take any others. It's pretty good though.
I'll wait, I alwasys forget to sign myself up with the new FH TGIF 1 thing, so I like to pretend I was there b looking at picutres.
hahaha, I'd get so frusterated if some one hid in the cave like that, or if i was in the gave i would be flippinh out trying to yell through the speakers to give me a five second head-start, damn, wish i join. again.
I love it when people post pics of TGIF, tysm for posting it. Looking at the pics make it seem like I was there. I am going to try my best to make it to the next one. If I would ever be in a group pic I would be holding a needler. Once again thanks for the pics
Looks like it was a lot of fun, wish I went to one of the parties for it. I'll just have to do it next time :happy: