End of the world - Today (10th) End of the world - 10th September 08 Basically, for the past 14 years 50 countries have spent a combined $8 billion dollars on this project. It has invloved building a 17 mile long circular tunnel, where on the 10th Sept; They will fire laser particles around this tunnel at the speed of light so they hit each other causing some reaction (identical to the big bang theory) the most plausable outcome is a miniature collision causing tiny black hole type particles to form?!? however there is a small chance it could also form larger black holes that would warp the universe, open up worm holes to other dimesions - which could lead to time travel.Nothing, or everything could happen. How cool. Cancel your plans for next Wednesday, it could be your last day on Earth. Or could it? If you believe a vocal lobby of doomsayers, at the flick of a switch on the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) next week the world will be consumed from the inside out and turned to a pile of grey goo. Yesterday their apocalyptic warnings were challenged by a report from the scientists behind the project outlining just how safe it is to recreate the Big Bang under the France-Switzerland border. The Large Hadron Collider - the atom-smashing machine built underneath the Alps - has sent more internet-based harbingers of doom into a spin than it will have atomic particles whizzing around its 17-mile circumference when it is put into action next week. They fear that the energies released will be so powerful that a runaway black hole will be created that will engulf the planet or produce “quantum strangelets” transforming the Earth into a dead lump of “strange matter”. So worried are they about the impending end of the Universe that they have been to court to try to stop it. This is what it will look like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BXzugu39pKM&eurl=http://www.unofficialmills.co.uk/communities/showthread.php?p=272763
I've heard about this for a few days now and the press hasn't made my last few days much nicer to be honest, its in all the newspapers , TV, everything and theres really no going back now since most of the governments want it done and its far too expensive to abandon. That video gave me goosebumps... over 6 Billion virtual people died in that 38-second video, thats eerie and i don't like it.
You guys are idiots, the world isn't going to end, reactions like this have been going on in the universe for hundreds and billions of years now, this one won't make any difference... and if it does, who's going to tell me "I told you so"?.
I read about this in a national geographic magazine. It sounds interesting, not that I'm for the world to blow up. But weren't they doing it for something else?
****, i barely killed me, boston was like the last city to parish, I dont think any country leaders would let this many people, and themselves die like this, its the odds of wining the lottery, and it could lead to amazing discoveries, go for it.
It's nearly impossible that such events would occur, but I sure hope that they do. I could really do with some of that "end of the world sex".
That was what I was thinking because no machine is going to destroy the world. The machines were designed to accelerate particles (whatever that means). THE WORLD IS NOT GOING TO BLOW UP (yet).
People who say "We're all going to die!!!" are usually kidding. I doubt the black hole will ever form, and if it does, then oh well. Nature- 1, Science- 0.
If there was any chance that something realy bad, along the lines of the world ending, I wouldn't do it. And, guys, shut up, no one knows for sure if nothing really is going to happen. Do you have any FACTS that prove nothing is going to happen? I don't want anything to happen, but I believe there might be the slightest chance something does. I heard somewhere that the process would take 15 months. That'd still be weird though, like, knowing that in 15 months, you'd be dead, and there would be no way to stop it. They're doing it to find out what happened in the Big Bang, supposedly. You're retarded.
High-energy collisions take place thousands of times a day in our upper atmosphere, and we haven't been swallowed up by a black hole yet. Plus, if a black hole forms, it will probably be so small that it will simply evaporate due to Hawking radiation.
It means nothing to me. I've disliked humanity anyways. It has it's ups and downs, but the downs outweigh the ups 1000 Times over. I dont care either way. Yes I am human too, and have a few human friends, but, I still don't like humanity in general. Call me a terrorist or insane if you want, it matters little to me. Whether we live or die does not matter to me in any way. Through my philosiphy I have found peace and happiness that the others will never have the fortune to experience. Im happy with life because of the way i comprehend it. It does not mean Im crazy, just that I have a good sense of philosiphy. And that means I am okay with my life ending. I prefer to live, but I am okay with death.
I hardly doubt that this will happen but I wish I would have never read this thread because now I wont sleep still thinking in my head that there is a split chance that it could happen.
I used to worry about apocalyptic crap. But then I decided that it is inevitable, so I got over it. if you want to worry about impending doom, look here click on any of the little tiles, and see another way the world will end!
Okay, even if this does happen, we wont die immediately. They call it a miniature black hole because it's so small you can't even detect it. It will then sink into the earths core and sit there for hundreds of years feeding off the energy the earth provides. Now, by the time that this happens, hopefully we're dead from age. The black hole will then start breaking everything in half over and over and when this happens it'll become more than microscopic. What I want to know is how in the hell do they know it may have the possibility? To know this wouldn't you have to know how to make a black hole? Why haven't terrorists threatened to black hole us yet? =)