"How much is your freedom worth?" Omega Research is an extremely well designed puzzle/maze situated on Foundry. Over 80 hours of work have been put into the beta testing and creation of this map. This is the third and final version of Omega Research. Download Omega Research (Map) Download Daylight (Gametype) Download the solution (Video) Description: Omega Research is a finely crafted forge map by Kaeporo (This site hates my other account). It is a puzzle map that incorperates many new challenges as well as a few old ones. It is based off of the progression of games like Metroid Prime and Ocarina of Time. I tried to minimize the wall glitching as much as possible, although it proved impossible to remove. The map is extremely secure. Over 15 people have beta tested the map for glitches and errors which maze maps are prone to. In fact, maze maps are very difficult to create. Take my word for it. The maze features a "hint" system which assists players as they progress. Oddly placed objects or letter signs might divert your focus to something you may have missed. Also, the screenshot gallery in the Halo 3 forum provides some insight. To players who simply wish to complete the challenging puzzle or attempt a speed run, you may download the solution to your Xbox 360. The map takes place in several key structures inside of a large mining complex. A backstory has been developed for the map which you may read for your own enjoyment. Storyline: You awake in the dilapidated ruins of a now abandoned research facility. As you progress through the enigmatic facilities and the surrounding mine, thoughts begin to flood through your head. Memories of your past. Regardless, you push forward. The recovered data logs from the mainframe still fresh in your head. You go over them again and again... Code Name: Omega Research. An operation issued by the council to a secretive group of high ranking elites. The Objective; to enhance the combat abilities of the Covenant ground forces. Notes recovered from the internal database follow; 2552: Elite Log: "Testing on lower class covenant proves unsuccessful. Issuing authorization for higher class civilians." 2553: Elite Log: "The brutish forces of a new government call for displacement in the facilities operations." Brute Log: "Elite soldiers are now being placed alongside human test subjects in a fight for survival." Life expectancy of test subjects: 9 years past maturity. 2553: Brute Log: "Miltant attacks from rebel pirate factions, both elite and human have been successfully repelled by AA guns on the surface of DNE-17. Dynamo output currently holds enough power to camoflauge the complex's connection to the surface." 2553: Brute log: "All connections to the surface have been disconnected by order of the council. Only the Jaws of Life remains to lift the remaining staff to the surface if the facility falls." 2553: Brute Log: "An issue ordered by the council was rejected by higher ups today. We no longer have aerial support from covenant forces. Contact with base has been lost. We will not surrender the facility to the enemy. Self-destruction sequences will be initiated in case of an enemy breech." 2554: Brute log: "The facility has fallen. A surprise attack from gorrilla forces broke through the camoflauge shielding and sent excess energy into the dynamo core, resulting in a temporary blackout. Self-Destruct sequencing cannot be activated until power is restored. We do not have the troops to hold the enemy back that long. All covenant forces report to the surface for weapons and gear" Transfering data to the ------------ 2554: Human log: "The area has been scouted. No survivors on the surface. The security encryption maintaining the facility is protected by a series of complicated locks. Overloading the dynamo should break the main gate and allow a large mechanized crane (situated directly above solid bedrock) to push through the surface. However, we cannot reach the dynamo from outside the complex. UNSC forces cannot remain on this wasteland as it is devoid of natural resources. Whatever it was that the covenant wanted here, we'll never find it. Human forces will move out in three days." 2554: Self-Inputted log: "I am the only survivor on DNE-17." Resources have been exhausted. "I need to escape." Data config. UNSC Reply: Unavailable. Data recovery; one-man ships are functioning on the planets surface. Signals can be sent from the planets surface. Class-A defense system is active, proceed with caution. Screenshots: Further screenshots can be found on the download page of Omega Research. Special Thanks: Thank you to Low Gangster, Sctt, o8oSainto8o, DoNotPassGoPSMO, and anyone else who beta tested. Closing: This is my first time actually posting on Forgehub so I decided to go all out. My other account (Kaeporo) was shut down or something so i'll be using this account from now on. I'll take any questions or comments gladly. Thank you for viewing this map. If you enjoy it, I have a wide selection of great maps in my file share that i'm too lazy to advertise
Extra Maps My infection maps, Eventide Facade / Sacred Frost / Metempsychosis are designed to work hand and hand with the Quintessence gametype. All are located on my fileshare. The gametype places heavy emphasis on human survival and the survival horror aspect of infection. Eventide Facade in particular, requires that players use light based equipment and weapons in order to survive. Similarly, Apex and Shadows Edge work with Acrophobia. One has players fighting up and down claustrophobic towers. The other is constructed at the bottom of blackout. Shadows Edge uses a mongoose / shield door transport system. Snipers can duke it out from above using trip mines and flares (which are lethal to players crossing the rails) while grunts fight over the bomb and the rocket launcher.