FarCry 2, or GoW 2, I don't know, but you could make a list for some other choises people could make?
Gears of War 2 Then Far Cry 2 Then Rock Band 2 I would only want Far Cry 2 for the amazing map editor and Rock Band 2 is last on the list because it would get old quickly.
Gears of war 2 is the top. But I would also want resident evil 5, and farcry 2. Just had to post my fav. gow2 vid. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aY24y8WzlGA
I'm gonna preorder Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero 4 because they will totally disappear off store shelves if I don't order soon.
HOLY ****!!!?!!?!!!?!!!!@!@!!@!$!$!@! THEY HAVE THAT?! **** the rest of these suggestions. AFRO SAMURAI IS COMING TO XBOX.
mercenaries 2 as long as it comes out for xbox the first one was so ****ing fun! i would just save a game and blow the living **** out of every single building i saw and kill everything its just so fun!
GoW2 by a longshot (heh, get it, longshot). The original GoW was the **** before Halo 3 and Cod4 came out, the online play worked well except for lag and major host advantage. I like the 1 life per round elimination style gameplay, it's more tactical and strategic than run and gun. Shotty battles for the massive victory. If they could implement a better system for connection host, I'll probably just drop Halo and play this when it comes out. But I'm not exactly sure what Epic has done about it, so I'll hold off on passing judgement until I actually have the game.
Far Cry 2 I would reserve Far Cry 2 (already am) because of the amazing map editor. The gameplay looks outstanding and the over graphics are great. It is definitely a game I am buying.
idk, from the videos, i dont like the tony hawk-esque map editors. i like what bungie did with the free roam style forge map editor.
Far Cry 2, because I was a big fan of this game and the second one looks really sick and has good graphics and did I mention awsome MAP EDITOR!
Definitely Gears 2. The first one was great, and of all the games coming out later this year, its the only one i REALLY care about having when it first comes out.