I love this band so ****ing much, they're the only modern band that plays original music that sounds like nothing else out there that I know of. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxowWo_XV_chttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mi7BW-pITEohttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0bFzBOZ9piM My favorites of them are posted above; thoughts, responses, etc?
I'm not a huge fan. I don't particularly enjoy the singer's voice, and their music doesn't fit with his tone. Also, your second video is broken for me.
Don't listen to them Dom, they wouldnt know good music if it was right in front of them. Coheed rocks. end of story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6lzeormF9M http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gcik1ZMTDv8&feature=related
It's weird, some of their songs sound better Live (The Light and The Glass) and others sound better recorded (Welcome home). Oh well, the band still kicks ass. Keep discussing, peoples!
Wow these guys are amazing. Very cool band. I have never heard of them before, are they big in the States? Reminds me of Angels and Airwaves a bit.
You've... you've never heard of Coheed and Cambria before? Not even in Rock Band? Yes. They are big in The States.
I do not own Rock Band, that would explain it lol. Thanks for posting these though. Im think i will have to listen to as much of their stuff as possible and if i like it ill buy an album. Its really cool stuff. Do they have cool CD's and CD books? If not ill just get it off Itunes.