
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by SiR Shmo0pY, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    Irritum - Spirit of nothingness
    This map only took me 4 hours to make with the auto delete happening to me tiwce.

    EDIT: Apparently this map looks to similar to Chipsinabox's Arcadia so I going to have to give credit to him for the inspiration to the map.

    Anywho, Irritum is a medium sized map great for 4v4/3v3's
    Accepted Gametypes
    -Team Slayer/FFA
    -Capture The Flag

    Weapon List
    BR x8
    SMG x4
    Spiker x2
    Shotgun x1
    Rockets x1
    Carbine x1
    Beam Rifle x1



    Download Link: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing
    TheDarkKnight05 likes this.
  2. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    This looks really well forged, great job!
    It looks pretty similar to Arcadia, by Chipsinabox, did you get inspiration from him?
    just wondering...

    I would def. add a little more cover though on the bottom level, looks pretty bare.
    what are the equipment items on this map?

    actually this looks paritally stolen, not the whole thing but bits and pieces
    like this
    ^^thats chips's, heres yours:
    looks familiar right?
  3. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    This looks really cool. I like the layout a lot. IMO, the little outcropping with the rocket and smg's on it looks coolest out of all of the features in this map. I dunno why, it just appeals to me. I also like the section with the mancannons , they were a nice touch.
  4. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    I got the inspiration from him but I assure you it is not stolen
  5. InferiorPigeon

    InferiorPigeon Ancient
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    dude, you took part of the map, thats stealing, come on, just make one yourself!
    i have made two, its not hard, just take your time, and make it look good
    no reason to have to use someone else's work..

    at least give him credit in your original post
  6. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    Look more at the pics the layout is defferent and I can prove that I built this map from the ground up because I have the film to prove it, BUT I will admit that Arcadia is similar to this map but not stolen from it
  7. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    i would have to differ
    this is stolen, i would could tell from the first pic
    the mancanon wall, the half circle area, teh teleporter and those dumpsters,
    all you did was take out some of the map and call it yours
    i believe fh frowns upon lieing and stealing
  8. STEClash96

    STEClash96 Ancient
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    The map looks cool and fun for FFA Slayer, And please do not keep on reminding him that he took a piece out of another map, He get's the point already. It's 4.3/5 from me, I will download and test for the gameplay results. =] I will come back later with a better review.

    EDIT: I downloaded it and played it, I got out of the map with ease, You get on top of the highest platform, Jump onto a single box, And grenade jump out, Viola!! I suggest you fix it and make a V2 or an updated verson.
    #8 STEClash96, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2008
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    chips get angry!!!
    chips get mean!!!
    are you stupid or something? all you did was gut his map
    ohh and you must be stupid or something to steal a MODERATORS map
    Chipsinabox likes this.
  10. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    Heh, Arcadia took me two days. Aren't you the expert forger...

    It looks like there are enough similarities to conclude that Arcadia was the parent map variant, and you merely edited it (it did only take you four hours). Even look at the teleporters! Nevertheless, there are enough differences to make Irritum free of plagiarism. If you are going to use my map as a construction base, please ask in advance.
    Mace likes this.
  11. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    Heheh, chipsinabox=pwnz.

    But really, I can tell that this map was definetly edited. It seems that most people notice that the dumpsters are in the same spot in the comparison pictures and they immediatly go OMGAHX COPY COPY COPY PERMABANNED (or something along those lines.)
  12. rewib65

    rewib65 Ancient
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    it looks really fun to play on and unique. i think theres enough cover on the bottom floor to hide, but still have medium range battles, which isnt that common on foundry maps, id give it a 4/5. even if it is stolen, it still looks fun to play on.
  13. Chipsinabox

    Chipsinabox Ancient
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    It apparently took him four hours. Four hours = impossible, unless SlowBurn is lying through his/her teeth.
  14. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    Perhaps too much interlocking? This was the first time I said that but everything looks so blockish and overly done. And don't copy someone else's map, ask in advance. 4/5 but still a nice map.
  15. Xune531

    Xune531 Ancient
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    Look closely

    the "CPLX 09" is offset in the pictures, if he stole it, he moved every single item towards the "bases" which would be a waste of time.
    De Wy El Ay En likes this.
  16. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    i can see a few areas just in the two pictues above me that arent similar. i can tell it was inspired by arcadia, but you can be inspired with ideas and not realize they are from another map you saw along time ago. its not plagarism, im almost certain just from what ive seen. but ill look for myself, and come back with my opinion.
  17. kovakelslovak

    kovakelslovak Ancient
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    just played irrutum, it is a very nice map, and although it looks very small, with all the levels it feels decently big
  18. Metallic Snake

    Metallic Snake Ancient
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    well i just got done with a forge through, and the similarities are overwhelming. but there are a few key differences that tell me that this is NOT a steal, only a map based off of Aradia. the geomerging is different, the back walls are different, theres no sniper spawn, as well as other things, and the map is EXREMEMLY ESCAPABLE, and has an object not spawned when you enter, even the picture has a big open hole for them to walk out of, you can see the crane. but im sure this was just a remake, if not a very professional remake, and testing obviously has not been done, but a remake all the same. but plagarism? no. but tread carefully slowburn, you are now on thin ice.
  19. o LiGHTNiNG o

    o LiGHTNiNG o Ancient
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    That corner made out of the backs of angled bridges with that double box which, due to the bridges, looks like a pentagon, looks like it was taken from... um....
    I forget the name of it, but I think it was by BlazeIsGod. And it used the back of foundry, with the semi-symmetrical bases, and there was a bridge with a shotgun sticking out from the bottom. Somebody knows what I'm talking about.... Anyway, he stole that structure from Blaze's map.
  20. SiR Shmo0pY

    SiR Shmo0pY Ancient
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    Chips, If you really want me too, I'll send you the film confirming that I built this map from the ground up, and yes it is based off of arcadia but I did not want it to seem that I stole the map and just edited it, in the film I used a infinite money canvas which is BLANK and in the description does it say 'INFINITE MONEY is on this CANVAS HAPPY FORGING'?

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