Temple of Atlas

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, Sep 5, 2008.


How would you rate this map?

  1. Poor

    13 vote(s)
  2. Okay

    4 vote(s)
  3. Average

    10 vote(s)
  4. Good

    21 vote(s)
  5. Great

    75 vote(s)
  1. version2

    version2 Ancient
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    and thus I cannot say any thing more it is a truly amazing map 10/10 my man 10/10.
    JEEF likes this.
  2. Madz

    Madz Ancient
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    Amazing tunnel system and very nice presentations
    JEEF likes this.
  3. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
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    its just about time this got featured i really cant wait for the next map from gravedigger nice work!
    lower the guns september 25th
    JEEF likes this.
  4. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    i downloaded this map and it was cool 5/5 this map remids me of playing AOM THE TITANS
    JEEF likes this.
  5. a pmp nmd slkbk

    a pmp nmd slkbk Ancient
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    lnice american, had a blast on testing and i would say its the best infection map ive ever and will ever see =] lol i remember everytime,
    "**** i got stuck in the cage AGAIN!! everyone come in here with me!"

    ah good times, gooood times
    JEEF likes this.
  6. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Wow i got a chance to have a forgethough on this map and was great.

    Aesthetics 5/5
    The little hut in the middle was great. The roof made out of the a and b signs looked great and the interlocking was great also. In the tunnels the idea of the water being a shield door was a great idea. The waterfall was great also. When I was on the lower level of the map the dungeon idea was just a great idea. I got trapped in there so many times and I was pissed off. I thought the pallet was the way out but it was the fusion coils. Dang you! JK. Also the shack where you start was just forged great. The thing I like about this map is the items that stand out. A lot of maps dont really have that thing that stands out but this one does. Some of the things are the waterfall. Even though a lot of people have the shield door as water or a waterfall. I still like the idea. The little hut in the middle was another thing that stood out. The idea of the pillars as the things it was balancing on a great idea. The last thing was the dungeon. I have not seen a map have a dungeon. The idea was a great one like I said earlier. It was very original and very awesome. As far as the aesthetics go i think it was best thing about the map. Must of took you a long time. 5/5

    Weapon Layout 9.8/5
    The layout of the weapons was great. The only thing i deducted points from was the lack of power in the weapon choice. The really only powerful weapons on the map were the brute shot and the sniper. The other weapons were semi-powerful like the BR and the carbine.(also i think you have a typo in the weapons list, it says two times you have 1 spiker.) Then you also have the kind of weaker weapons like the magnum or the plasma pistol. The thing i would change about the weapon choice is putting a more powerful weapon in place a weaker one. Like maybe a shotgun instead of the plasma pistol, or a rocket launcher instead of a magnum. These are just my opinion so you dont have to change it if you dont want to. Other than that great job. 9.8/5

    Map Quality 5/5
    As far as the interlocking and geomerging go. The map is just great. Everywhere on the map the interlocking is perfect and the geomerging is also good. But as i was look around the map there was wasn't much geomerging. This is not a big deal and i am just stating it. The walls around the map looks great. The only thing i noticed is one of the boxes in the cove. It looks a little bit crooked. If this was intentional then that fine. I was just wondering. The map is really clean also. There is not any weird things just laying around like random barrels or walls. 5/5

    Spawns 5/5
    This one is really not that big of a deal. Each time really had very balanced spawns. The starting spawns are balanced. Good Job 5/5

    Gameplay 4.85/5
    The gameplay was just fantastic. I was playing some slayer and the gameplay was very balanced. The cool thing was the aesthetics effected the gameplay. Like how people used the dungeon as a easy way of getting a kill or the water and the waterfall as having some get aways or secret tunnels. The tunnels were really cool. They added some thrilling corners where you have no clue where the enemy might just pop up or creep up behind you. The tunnels also got me a little lost though. I know it sounds stupid and tell me that i am a idiot but its true. As i said early, i think it would be even more fun with putting maybe a more powerful weapon into the list. Like a shotgun or a rocket launcher. Other than that good job. 4.85/5

    Overall 4.97/5
    This map is going on my top ten for aesthetics and also gameplay. The aesthetics as i said early really clicked with the gameplay. The aesthetics were well forged and awesome to look at. The water in the tunnel ways added another great touch. The dungeon was a very original and exciting idea. There are going to be a lot of copiers trying to do what you did but like a lot of times, the original is always the best. Great Job and hope to see some more impressive maps of yours in the next few months. 4.97/5 A+
    JEEF likes this.
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    This definitely deserved a feature, It is such a cool map and I can't wait to see more in that mappack congrats guys! 5/5
    JEEF likes this.
  8. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Honestly, I don't think this diserved a feature. Since this came out I've played games and games on it, and it never played good. It was rather annoying and filled with camping. I think the layout is amazing, but the size just doesn't seem to fit. It feels extremely crowded and you have some bumps in your tunnel entryways. It's like if you were to make this map on all around Foundry it would be cooler, which is impossible because of the 3 levels of work. But, I guess this is my opinion, and maybe other people did think it diserved a feature. Here's some stuff I liked and disliked about the map from tons of testing games on it.

    1. On the top level, some of the cave entrances were neatly built, in a aesthetically pleasing way I've never seen before. Mainly I'm just talking about the cave that leads you into a crouch for a little bit of cover.
    2. The map's layout is genius, the tunnels and cave entrances, it just feels like you're actually under ground.

    1. There were a lot of bumps that could be easily fixed.
    2. It was incredibly crowded, shooting, etc. I was always getting teamed and double shot, no matter what player amount.
    3. People would camp with the mauler in the tunnels, making it even more stress filled.
    4. A lot of spawn killing, or spawn trapping.
    5. To really give an honest overall of the game play by a 50 in 6 playlists, it was crowded, confusing, and I think the most I would have gotten out of it was from infection.
    I admire you took the time to make this map, you achieved your goal of making it a temple, it definately resembles that. It's just a lot of members are saying the game play and EVERYTHING is 10/10. I don't know, but from knowing most people on forgehub, they don't test/read/look at maps before they rate.

    Here's an honest rating scale.

    Layout/Map Design: 8/10.
    Game Play: 5/10.
    Aesthetics: 7/10.
    Originality: 9/10.
    Weapon choice/placement: 6/10.
    Darkknight, I'm starting to doubt your review too, there are actually quite a lot of bumps, making it impossible for a 100%.
    As for Fergfighter, gravedigger didn't make this map, American10 did.
    JEEF and Hazza like this.
  9. AlphaGamma

    AlphaGamma Ancient
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    This map is pretty cool. The underground tunnels might make for an interesting hide and seek style infection game as well. I'll have to try that out.

    This is definately the kind of map that you should know very well if you want an advantage. It is complicated, but if you know your way around the tunnels and such, you will gain the upper-hand.

    Of course, I know all of this only from playing a Three-Person FFA slayer match, so I don't know the map's full potential.
  10. x IF O IR G IE x

    Senior Member

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    I DL your map and I loved it nice job!
  11. The Sir Toppum Hat

    Senior Member

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    Actually Sir, American and Sir Toppum Hat made the map. I would like you to show me the bumps you were talking about, and I see you gave aesthetics a 7/10 come on you know that’s not true.
    ScarFac3d and TheDarkKnight05 like this.
  12. TNF

    TNF Ancient
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    Anytime man. And no offense, I got a lot of reputation from that post man :). I'm not the only one that agrees with myself. You don't have the best map here, the game play isn't that good, honestly, I would rather play on a map where the center of foundry has walls, look, you've gotta understand I have an opinion, and you have to respect that, there's no truth to a rating. Sorry, that's not how it works out :p. Gamertag = D34DEYE, I'll show you all the bumps, sir.
    ScarFac3d likes this.
  13. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    We know this isn't the best map but its a damn good one you will ever see on this site.We didn't focus on game play very much but slayer and infection is great.That means you have no taste and your probably a little kid that doesn't have the intention span to go through some tunnels.I mostly take everyone's opinions but not from you my good sir except for the bumps but come on its ****king forge its impossible to make it so there no bumps on everything.
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    I havent read all of the posts through here, just moreso the recent ones.

    I do not like this map. Yes its incredibly well forged but its is awful for gameplay.
    I wouldnt have such dislike for it were it originally posted in Casual Maps, which is where it belonged as no competitive gameplay can be had on it.
    Also, if a map shines in infection then shouldn't it have been posted in Casual Maps? Or was it posted in Competitive just so that it'd receive more views.
    I dont mean this to be offensive or to bag on the map or its creatores, its just how I feel.

    The pictures in the featured thread are incredibly misleading. As the majority of people are scared or cannot be bothered reading the small walls of text that are the decription and story. When looking at the two pictures or the created layout picture the uninformed user is completely left in the dark as to the tunnels. It gives the impression of a small ancient like fortress, which it sort of is and sort of isnt.

    The overall feel you receive when playing this is frustration. Several people when playing were growling, no joke... I was one of those. Also, while playing several people left the party. Eventually it ended up to 1v1. Then I had a forge through with a friend afterwards. After that I decided that I did not wish to play this again and removed it from my hard drive.

    I was/We were frustrated with the tunnel system. Its been beautifully made but its all aesthetics, no functionality. When crouching, the player is incredibly vulnerable and in the tunnels the best way to decribe its gameplay is its just an enormous **** of AR spam. You're walking and bam! you're hit with the AR before you can even turn around you are already dead, or at an incredible disadvantage.

    There is little to no risk & reward in this map, its just a whole lot of risks. Being in the tunnels is a great risk to lives, then crouching while in the tunnels makes it that much more dangerous. And being in there offers very little pros.

    Truly great maps follow this ratio- 10:10
    Right side is Gameplay/Functionality and the left being Aesthetics/Creation.
    This map, in my opinion, is 1:9.

    So this one of those featured maps I'd like to forget.
    It is very orignal, no doubt and I applaud the forging skills presented in it but I feel it was undeserving of the feature for the sole reason of its mediocre gameplay.
    ScarFac3d and X5 like this.
  15. KingSniper 10x

    KingSniper 10x Ancient
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    nice i like the layout i think ill DL and take a closer look though
  16. theshf

    theshf Ancient
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    This looks incredible. Completely original and looks like a lot of fun to play on. And flawless interlocking! Truely an inspiration. keep em up!
  17. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    WOW. I cant believe I missed this post. This is a great map well worth the feature. I love the "random tunnels" that you have to crouch to get to. the waterfalls and water flowing through the lower levels is awesome. I shall kick myself for missing its first post and I will download now.
  18. XtK ReApeR

    XtK ReApeR Ancient
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    Sweet map, and definitely downloaded.
  19. remyauxiliary

    remyauxiliary Ancient
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    Nice job!

    This map is not only beautiful, but functional too! I really love the many close quarters and all the ins and outs that connect it, not to mention how it just seems to keep going down forever. You did an exceptional job lining everything up and your center structure is awesome. I was stoked to see a handgun in there, if for no other reason than for shiggles :)

    I really liked the cabin/house/thing with the table and I love the loft and the balconies. Very cool. The sniper cubby is awesome but I still haven't gotten up there. I didn't try a grenade jump though... hmm.

    Great job :)
  20. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Well if your in the shack/house you jump on the table and jump crouch west and you get teleported there.But it is possible to jump from the crate in but it takes more time.

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