Trying to find the secret of Sandtrap

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by J A Y, Sep 7, 2008.

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  1. J A Y

    J A Y Ancient
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    Thanks guys, keep up the good work and look at the social group here

    A few months before Halo 3 came out, i remember reading an update which mentioned "The biggest Easter Egg ever". I don't believe Bungie has told us that it has been found yet. It is possible it has been found, or it may still be out there. When i first heard about the method to get the I Would Have Been Your Daddy skull, i thought that was it. I don't think that anymore though. I still think this Easter Egg is out there and i think it could be on Sandtrap. Why Sandtrap? First, I believe its Sandtrap due to the description of one of last month's updates. It had a picture of Sandtrap and said "It's a barren wasteland, or is it?". Also, there are the elephants. The elephants are what i believe contribute to the Easter Egg. How? Not quite sure yet but after doing some research it seems like they are the key. As some of you may have noticed each elephant has a different name, one is the Leviathan and the other, the Behemoth. Well after doing a few searches on both these names i found a connection between them. They are both Biblical creatures. The Leviathan is said to be a large sea monster (possibly whale, serpent or crocodile). The Behemoth is said to be a enormous land animal (possibly ox, elephant, hippo or rhino). I also found a connection to one more name, the Ziz. The Ziz is said to be a large bird like creature whose wingspan can block out the sun. It is said that the Behemoth and the Leviathan fight and the The Creator will approach them with his mighty sword [and slay them]. He will then use the skin of the Leviathan to make canopies for shelter of the righteous, who will eat the meat of the Behemoth and the Leviathan in a large banquet. So what does this have to do with Halo 3 and Sandtrap? Well i find a few things that stick out. First the names on the elephants greatly relates to this. Also how the Creator will slay them with his "sword" (possible lead to energy sword). Maybe you have to make the elephants "fight" or somehow combine them with the Ziz (possibly hornet). The one thing that i believe to be the Ziz though is the Aegis Fate (large ship that looks like the dawn). How or if it has a connection with the elephants, I dont know. Here are some links where you can find more information about the Leviathan, Behemoth and Ziz. I actually haven't read the behemoth page yet, i got some information of the behemoth from the leviathan page.

    If anyone has any feedback or ideas the the Secret of Sandtrap please reply. These are some things that i found which MAY lead to the secret (or could be nowhere close to the secret, if there actually is one). I hope that the people who read this are interested in finding secrets and eggs and help by providing criticism and ideas. I hope that there are people who may actually look into this more by research or acutally playing around in forge on Sandtrap and actually trying to find a connection between these biblical beasts. Thank you for your time and please respond, by replying in the forum or by sending me a message.

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    #1 J A Y, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2008
    EGP, xFr1ct10nx, MattDGiant and 3 others like this.
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    You might actually be on to something there. I never did get the 'It's a barran wasteland, or is it?' update comment. It had nothing to do with what was inside the update., or did it? Haha. No really, I can't find any thing.

    The elephants fighting is a neat idea but if it were to be an easter egg, I'm really not sure how on earth Bungie would pull of something that sounds that big.
    KB and MattDGiant like this.
  3. XDAO SoX

    XDAO SoX Ancient
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    That is very interesting. I am actually going to go halo and look around sandtrap at every detail and see if I notice anything. If I do, I will get back to you.
    MattDGiant likes this.
  4. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Wow, how I get caught up in easter eggs like this I will never know. Maybe they are talking about the davinci code egg outside the map? I don't know how connecting the elephants with a hornet would do anything though...
  5. Steeveness

    Steeveness Ancient
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    Yeah, the eggs on each of the towers may spell out a code to do with the names of both elephants, I love the fact bungie takes the time and effort on making these silly little conspiracies it brings the 'Community' to investigate.
  6. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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    how did you find out the names of the elephants?
  7. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
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    After checking this thread out, I did a little reserch on my own.

    THIS was the website I used for this info.

    You may say, well, this is just a random piece of mythology. It doesnt have any relevance.


    Stick with me.

    If what Jay says about the Leviathin and Behemoth and everything is all true..

    The Aegis Fate represents Ziz.

    Now Jay didn't really elaborate on this part of his theory.

    Ziz is the protector of the birds, as stated in the quote above.

    The Aegis Fate is a giant spaceship. However, if you take a closer look at its name, you'll catch a glimpse into the truth.

    One of the many definitions of Aegis is "Protection"
    Notice something here?

    Ziz=Protector of birds
    Aegis= shield, protection

    These facts lead me to a conclusion that The two elephants are in fact the Leviathin and Elephant, and the Aegis Fate is Ziz.
  8. Gamer720

    Gamer720 Ancient
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    Sooo... what does this have to do with any easter egg? We learnt a bit of mythology...
  9. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    I'm sure there are still EE's around, but Iuno bout on Sandtrap. The egg seemed to be the big one there. Besides, bungie likes to post dumb things to get people going. Remember the mention of recon?
  10. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    This is very interesting... you guys are really serious about this aren't you? It all fits though. Maybe its a hint to something larger, much larger than anything you've ever imagined... maybe... a giant easter egg laying bunny!

    Lol good luck finding this, you sound like your getting close.
  11. FirstXboxKid

    FirstXboxKid Ancient
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    i have an idea!

    my first intelligent idea! mabye the wheels on the elephant have something to do with it, look on them for words, or some picture. its just like the "puma" on the warthogs from RvB. ill take a look at that later on, also, all the "orange" parts of the map have some writing on it, mabye it can be translated. lets take a look at that!
  12. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    oh my god.
    Nice work, i'll help on it.
    I have a guess, i'll try it possibly later today.
    If i dont get to it ill post it, but for now it seems too illogical to work.

    QUINN HAS A GUN Ancient
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    You may be on to something there. I thought the Barren wasteland line was talking about Seattle, ha. Good luck, with finding this so called "Easter Egg." Who knows what it could be. But since since it's proven that there is nothing under Sand-trap.... where will you look? Or do you think it one of those easter eggs like the one where you flip the elephant and it Says " Wait... how did you do that?" Then again... with your description off these "Giant Beasts," makes me think a giant vehicle is going to appear out of nowhere.
  14. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    No, not a giant vehicle, those have been identified.
    We seem to be looking for some humanoid/creature or sword.
    MattDGiant likes this.
  15. Aranore

    Aranore Ancient
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    ...ummmmm sorry to sound un educated but... what first original Easter eggs on the towers?
  16. E93

    E93 Guest

    Halo is full of Easter Eggs. I wouldn't be surprised if there were 100 on each map.

    Here are some I could list of the top of my head:

    • Coin on Snowbound
    • Eggs on Sandtrap
    • Guy on Satelite thing on Standoff
    • Half-naked dancing guy on the level Halo
    • Talking Grunt on level Halo
    • RvB guys on the level Crow's Nest
    • Monkey guys on level Sierra 117
    • Orange beams that shoot out of the towers in Sandtrap
    My point is, there are so many, we don't even have the time to find all of them. Someone said that the egg on Sandtrap wasn't an Easter Egg, but an incrtion that all maps contain... Idk

    There might be more, but I honestly have no idea on how to help you with finding them... Good luck though =]

    'The one's that look like the Davinci Code
    Disregard the Transformers thing and the crowbar. It's nothing.
  17. stin10

    stin10 Ancient
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  18. Duckyz

    Duckyz Ancient
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    ive herd some crazy theories about halo but not many have caught my eye as much as this 1 cutos to reading into this so much and actually taking the time to do it

    hope you find and and i hope bungie rewards you

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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    The little area on sandtrap where geometry is missing;

    If you have a second player on your console it shows the screen of that player, otherwise its a sandy windy obyss

    its located under one of the side pillars on the main structure.

    and also the elephant easter egs are leviathan and behemoth, pics in my fileshare
  20. E93

    E93 Guest
    There are different ones for each level.

    I can't find the second one, sorry.

    Look around on Youtube for it.
    If I find it, I'll post here.
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