Where'd you get the wallpaper from?! Very cool, do you know what it's from, if it's from anything specific?
Dunno. I was just looking around a wallpaper site, and it came up. It didn't display the name of the wallpaper or the artist or anything though, which just sucks. The site I went to was here. Edit: The specific image is here.
I used to have the non-cartoonified version. Get the items off the desktop. If you had Leopard you could make them into stacks in the dock.
Sushi I haz making ur sig my wallpaper!!!! Also I can't post my Desktop cuz it is sucky and pathetic but jeez u guys gots cool BG's
Looks like you have either switched to Ubuntu or are using a very realistic skin for vista... im running on Ubuntu on this computor because my XP was ****ed up
This isn't really exactly about your desktop, but it kinda is. I just found out about this Sidebar Gadgejet, and I thought it was so cool, I just had to share it. It's really easy, and practical for storing your passwords, etc. And it seems really trustworthy... Idk, see for yourselves.