NGN #2: Saturday, September 13 Alright, I`m making the thread way earlier this time so people actually have time to sign up. NGN is like a mini-TGIF, and will take place every Saturday. This time around, I`ll need 3 hosts total: Casual/Minigame, Infection, and MLG. I`ll serve as the Casual/Miningame host, but I need people to host the other two parties. First two people who ask to be a host will be a host. Here`s what I plan on doing: Casual/Minigame Party: Zaffaman (GT=Nukemgreen), 6-8:00 PST. Mostly Slayer and minigames. Legendary Map Pack will not be used. MLG Party: Open, Timeslot not Assigned, MLG variants and Conquest. Infection Party: Fiatluxmortem94 (GT=fiatluxmortem), Timeslot not Assigned, Hardcore and semi-casual Infection variants. Expect stuff like I am Legend. To sign up, send a friend request to any of the hosts. You will be un-friended after the event.
Next Saturday? I'll join, I don't know if I'm reliable enoiugh as a host, and i don't have much room on my friends list =/
Sign me up GT: Isle 0f View I hope i can do it my sister is staying at my house and using guest bedroom (where xbox is) I hope you have them at dif times so i can play as much as possible
Well, only my time is definite. We haven`t determined when the other hosts will start, but they`ll likely be at different times than me.
Alright, ony two days left to sign up everyone, and we still need an MLG host! If one doesn`t sign up, whoever`s the Infection host will serve as a general hardcore host.
Bad news. Something unexpected came up, so NGN 2 will have to be cancelled. Sorry to anyone who was looking forward to it; There will still be NGN #3 next week.