
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by IVIercinator, Sep 7, 2008.

  1. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    By IVIercinator with help from ZOMG

    Supports CTF Team Slayer Team Oddball and Territories

    Glimpse is a symmetrical map with tons of aesthetics while still making sure gameplay is good. The map is based on an old hydrogen plant that has been abandoned. Although it has been empty for several years some parts are still working ( the grav lifts and man canonns). During the making of this map a payed alot of attention to aesthetics. The theme was difficult because how would I make a map full of man cannons and grav lifts and not have them affect the gameplay? Easy. I merged them but not quite (as you will see in the pictures) just enough so that If they did launch it would not be more than 2 feet. I have tested and tested it again and the mancanonns DO NOT launch you out of the map or anywhere away from where you originally were.


    Red Spawn

    View from above Red

    Blue Spawn

    View from Blue

    From side looking at bottom mid

    From side looking bottom mid


    OOOOO Who's holding the flag?

    protecting the Flag in vain

    Rockets pwn

    A cool step to get to red idea by ZOMG

    Team Work FTW

    OMGWTFHax0rz (or just SExyDude's avatar o_O)

    Maulers = facerape

    Speedecake using the camo on me

    Lmao Dumb ***

    Had to put this in here (look behind the guy)

    4-12 People
    Weapons: 2 AR 4BR 2Mauler 1Rocket 1Sniper 2Carbine 4PlazNadez 2FragNadez 1Camo 1OS

    Thx 4 Viewing plz comment n rate.

    Special Thanx0rz to JayFlan Speed e Cake and Darkmaster949 and some other noe forgehub pplz for testing.
    Dr. Chombie and Speed-e-cake like this.
  2. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    man i love you lol love the pic of the duck i will add that to my sig lol

    the map looks really good and nice the game play would be nice as well i will DL noa
  3. Speed-e-cake

    Speed-e-cake Ancient
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    What can I say but I love teh camo, it makes me feel very sneaky, sneaky... Anyway this map is great for symmetric games, a very satisfying team experience and probably the first time I've ever had fun playing team Oddball (maybe that's because I never play it but w/e). I loved the weapon layout, even if it was MLGish and I'm not a fan of those guys but it flowed nicely. It was fun play testing, good job! My only suggestion is to improve on the aesthetics and fix some of the mancannons so they don't prepell you anywhere. Oh and was I the duck? It looks like my armor permutation.
    #3 Speed-e-cake, Sep 7, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  4. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    looks very neatly interlocked. i only have a few things wrong with it
    1) were is the sniper
    2) it looks like the camo spawns at 10 sec
    3) sexy dudes avatar is backwards
    other than tose it looks good so ill dl and play
  5. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    Sniper is on top of the fence roof thingy gethtere by jumping on the barricade then onto the wall.

    The camo spawns set at 60 sec I just put alot of pictures showing the same person with camo.
  6. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Glimpse by IVIercinator

    I thought i would start this p
    ost with a quote from the original thread.
    "The theme was difficult because how would I make a map full of man cannons and grav lifts and not have them affect the gameplay?"
    As you said this is certainly a difficult thing to do. In terms of the grav lifts and man cannons affecting players as they move around the map you have largely achieved what you set out to do. The man cannon in the double box and the two grav lifts on top middle do affect the player movement enough to cause some fustration and restricted movement or being flung if you jump. Most of the man cannons do not affect you in too significant a way so your goal is a relative success but not a complete one. My initial concern with the amount of man cannons and grav lifts around the map was not how they would affect players but how they would affect grenades. The map is not that grenade friendly. Circumstances where your grenades will get lost, trapped or flung around will happen enough to fustrate any players who see grenading as one of their strengths.

    There are many examples of good interlocking and geo-merging. The circle of bridges is nice and smooth and so are the bases. It is a real shame that you have not been consistent throughout the level. The exterior wall is the most obvious example of this. In comparison to some of the work you have done inside the level it looks frankly sloppy. It is not geomerged or even interlocked in places leaving it ridden with gaps to lose grenades through. The map is also escapable through use of the crane and through grenade jumping in a couple other locations. There are other examples of sloppy work in the level the one i will point out is the stairway leading up to Blue base. If it was interlocked further you would not have an ugly jagged corner poking out and it would look a lot smoother. You have shown in the level that you are capable of interlocking and geo-mering to a high standard so i found myself quite fustrated that i have to be so negative about map construction. It would be nice to see a v2 just to see you tidy the construction up and make it all to the same high standard that many areas of your map reach.

    Onto the spawns, personally it really feels like their are not many spawns on the map at all. The total number of spawn points stands at 16 atnd this is 8 at each base. The majority of the map does not contain a single spawn point. This is somewhat worrying because it screams spawn camping. If a team is able to gain control of the centre of the map and have a man top centre with the Sniper Rifle they will be able to pick players off as they spawn without too much trouble. The spawns are the same for every single gametype which surprised me because i expected that the 16 spawns were just the general ones and that on loading up other gametypes i found myself disappointed when i realised that 16 spawn points was the lot. The map really needs more spawn points and they need to be more spread around the level or spawn camping will run rampant during your games.

    The weapon balance on this map can be summed up by saying that whether its a rocket launcher, a Sniper Rifle or a BR it has a 30 second respawn. The powerups both have 60 second respawns. The power weapons spawn way too fast for my liking. To the point where they are constantly involved in the game. It is not unrealistic to say that a player who was careful with his rocket use and good on his timing could have constantly have Rocket ammo same goes for the Sniper Rifle. By the time the player has used his 8 Sniper Shots he can gingerly drop the Sniper for another weapon go back to top middle and voila a brand new Sniper Rifle without having to wait. I just feel that if one team is able to gain dominance over the power weapons it further worsens the whole spawn camping issue. Especially considering the open view Sniper spawn has on 12 of the 16 spawn points or to put it another way... 75% of the time you spawn on this map if the other team has a Sniper on top middle they can see you spawn.

    Disappointed is probably the best way to describe how i feel about the map. Unfortunately its good features, which there are a number of, are for me overshadowed by its problems. The map has a lot of potential but it needs to be taken back into Forge and given a thorough going over to really bring out its best qualities.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  7. SharpshooterSG

    SharpshooterSG Ancient
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    It looks like a few of those man cannons can launch you out. Pretty small too, but I like it. 4/5 and I will try and see how it is...
  8. swiftarget1983

    swiftarget1983 Ancient
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    I test played this level with you, it has nice interlocking, but i found various ways to escape the level, especially by grenade jumping. You should really fix that, if you want to know where to escape from, add me on your friends list on xbox, im swiftarget1983.
  9. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    THis map looks like good gameplay but I have to agree with sentinel. Some of the geo-merging and interlocking is great, but some is laso sloppy. It looks like a good map otherwise. I like the layout and the center piece. I think you should explain the switch thig a little more. The one that ZOMG made because I dont really know what it does from the pictures
  10. Bloumbas

    Bloumbas Ancient
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    I see some really, really great interlocking here, It looks really well made, but I think it is lacking some features in its layout, like thr main platform in the middle, is amazing, but the stuff outside of that seems like it doesnt fit in with the rest of the map.
  11. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    looks like a great map, but one thing to change is make 2 of the same powerup or none at all, because they are not even in power
  12. A SouthPark Kid

    A SouthPark Kid Ancient
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    Looks pretty fun 4/5, looks nice nice interlocking was done and geo merging. Somethings look like the could of been interlocked a lil more like the wall to keep you. But that doesnt effect the game. Gamplay looks lke alot of fun + very creative design. I thinl the gamplay goes great with this map so over all great map.
  13. crazyzebu

    crazyzebu Ancient
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    Looks purty in some places but FUGLY in others. Cool idea to have grav lifts and man cannons everywhere for asthetics, it looks neat. Nice interlocking with the bridges! The randomly placed boxes are kinda wierd.

  14. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Looks nice i didnt really understand what the step thing was ... liked the look of the map not sure i liked the interlocked bridges seemed miss place...

    looks like a good map over all for gameplay tho not sure rockets will add to the game but rather take away but nice neway n sweet spartan duck thing lol​
  15. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    indeed i had fun play testing the map with you and i have to admit, i really enjoyed the map. odball was really fun (or maybe its because i won our team the last few points) but anyway its great and the weapon placements are really good i have no complaints about that but what i suggest is if you improved the aesthetics a bit and i hope you added the 1 wire spool to the one base without it, i dont know maybe you did and i did not see it. anyway great map and i hope to see some more from you buddy.
  16. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    nice clean interlocking
    very sexy middle structure but nothing else really stands out
    i like the use of gravlifts/mancannons but a little over used on this map
    map looks kinda small and contained, mabey open up a little more
  17. Pyrus Invictum

    Pyrus Invictum Ancient
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    Unfortunately, after a playtest, I don't feel this map is playable. At least, not with any fun. Of course, this may be just because I found three separate ways to break the map, one of which involving no grenade jumps, and all my friends found said ways soon after.

    The aesthetics, however, are nice.
  18. Jawflan

    Jawflan Ancient
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    Thanks for crediting me IVIercinator

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