"What once was a beautiful underground urban centre, has become a harsh battlefield. Created by Gibber007. 2-6 players" Download Occult Square Download Occult Hill KOTH variant Occult Square is a small map designed for FFA slayer, and small team games. Crazy King, Assault, and Occult Hill work best. All gametypes are supported. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBRJG7-wo_4&fmt=18 Teamwork. A pretty picture for you. Looking down on the defender's side. The defender's 'office' interior. The truck. Useless as a vehicle, but a good as a piece of cover. Part of the attacker's side. A better look at the interior. [notice the missing turret. It only spawns in symmetrical gametypes] You can set plasma grenade traps in the lifts, if you know how. View from the 2nd floor turret. The defender's bruteshot [Only in assymetric gametypes] The shield-door isn't much of a problem. I like to call it the 'Subway' or 'sandwich shop'. The far left window pannel dissapears in symmetrical gametypes. You can't just walk out of the map. But the presence of an exit makes it much more believeable. View from above the walkway. Some in-game shots: The basic layout: Fusion coils. Grav lifts. Map geometry. Map geometry. I do believe that I've just created one of the greatest newb posts of all time. Thanks for reading this incredibly long post. I'll give you the download links one last time: Download Occult Square Download Occult Hill KOTH variant
This map looks really well planed out and turned out well. The only problem is ( and its not that big ) is that there is now a lot of cover in the middle of the map, I would suggest adding maybe a fence wall merged in the ground. Good Job
SECOND =D Great map! I like the interlocking and the decorative man cannons! Some of the pics are a little confusing... could you add some more overview shots? EDIT: Love the new pics =D
The connection between competitive and fun is overwhelming! The merging is spectacular and the "arena" style of gameplay makes the map even better. I also noticed that the floor was made out of items. That was an epic win. Looks - 9 Playability - 9.5 Cover - 8.5 Over All - SUCCEED Nice job, and of course, keep Forging!
WOW... this looks really umm whats the word? oh ye awsome!. itlooks really good combining atsthetics with game play ill dl and write how i rate it
This is great. although it lacks cover in the middle, it is very clean and well interlocked. How long did it take for you to make it? 93/100
this looks really nice glad to see the symmetry option being used, really changes up things =] looks very planned out, and also very well designed great job, 5/5 and a DL =]
the floor being made out of items is a huge complaint for me, instead of the floor being smooth if you didnt use items, now the floor will have annoying bumps all the time.
Ok amazing map looks like so much fun great interlocking. You have a very good thread 5/5 for thread, map, and interlocking. Amazing post for a new member and the video is great!
This looks like a really good map. It seems really small though. In your v2 I think you should put in some more cover right in the middle of the map. maybe just like a wall interlocked or a fencewall. This is a great map though.
Great job. The interlocking is very neat and I like how you interlocked an upside down double boox and a right side up middle box to get that silver thing on top. The one thing that bugs me though are the shield doors. Shield door + any close rangfe weapon = camp mania. I'll test and get back to. Otherwise his map looks like it would flow very well. 4.5/5
The map seems a little bit open in the main area, And why did you put down upside down bridges/Fence walls on the ground while you did'nt have too? I could be wrong about it though, I will download and be back with a review later, It's a 4/5 from me for now. =] EDIT: The map was quite fun, I played 2 v 2 on it in team slayer, I was wrong, Sorry if I critised (Spelling) you in any way wrong. It's a 5/5 from me my friend!! Keep up the good work.
I think it's great that he put the bridges over the foundry floor. It makes the map look neat and it makes it so grenades don't get stuck under the boxes. I do think it is a bit open but it does have some cover. I'll play it and then come back with a detailed review!
Since a few people have mentioned that, I just liked the look, and went for it. It also means that a few objects are interlocked with the floor of bridges, preventing grenades from slipping through those places. I know there are small bumps/gaps, but they are too miniscule to greatly affect gameplay. And I know it's open, just the way it worked out I guess. I don't know how long, but too long... Hey, could a more frequently spawning bubble shield be the answer to my cover problem?
From the look of the map in the pics I can see that this map is very well planned out and looks like you spent a considerable amount of time on it. You did a really good job of illistrating an urban invirement. The main playing arena is an origonal shape and probably gives the map interesting and diverse gameplay. How many different hallways are their though? Your pics are all just different ares of the main playing area. Is that the whole map? I am downloading now and will get a game on it in the near future (probably tomorrow) and I will rate and give you a review as soon as I can. But for now, add more pics showing off other areas of the map. It is hard to rate your map 5/5 because of the pics but it DOES look cool!
I think there are a lot of wepons. But a good way. Looks like you could even play infection on this. 5/5 and a DL l8er.
Hey you finally released this! I actually have grown to LOVE this Gib! I recomend this to anyone that enjoys a good slayer map.
Hey i remember testing the map it is a pretty sweet map, i dont think ive seen a map like it before, keep forging but i still think you should have changed the respawn time on the senital beam and added more cover in the middle. dont forget aboout that if you make a v2
I did change the respawn time to 150 seconds. That is a large chunk of game time due to it being a small map. I don't plan on making a V2, I would take all the advice, working ideas, and concepts and improve on them in an entirely new map. [Hey, improve = cover!] Thanks though!
very nice i like how you covered the foundry floor it loos a little sloppy, should flipp as many closed boxes as possibel instead of shield doors, try putting in some movable cover, or have the shiled doors cover a corner or something