...What? Thank you for the complement... I think, but incomprehensible grammar isn't funny at all. Don't type like that... at least not here.
Fixed Well... Yay... the King of the hill variant is the main feature. It's the KoTH Link. Sweet and your welcome!
Looks fun! But are there mongooses or teleporters at the bottom of the map jst in case a person decides to get out of their vehicle for sme reason. This would help because they would hae to walk all the way back to get a ride, unless they get killed, but I would want to get killed fairy in a fight. Nice Map looks good
Usually you don't want to get out of your vehicle, but if you do the hills on ether side of the map (Real Hills not the KoTH hill) have teleporters to there base.
TC, I played this map and absolutely loved it. I've always wanted to see a map like this based on airborne combat, and you freaking nailed it man. The areas that house your vehicles are very well done and look great. They look something like transport ships carrying smaller fighters or something. Very well done on all of that. The game also plays great as well, the area on avalanche with the hill turned out to be a great spot. I played this map the other day with around 6 people and we all had a blast. Thanks for the great map. It's got a 5/5 in my book for being a great looking, very polished, and solid game. I honestly can't think of any criticisms for the map, it's that well done!
Fixed Thank alot dude. Just another positive review from the people who have downloaded this. I really think all this means that my hard work has a chance to get featured. I wonder if any mods have played i? What does that mean?
Map looks great. The only thing I would add to your map is to make 2 seperate large crate towers standing on top of those fusion coils that you have in your first pic. If you ran out of crates, use the ones that are in the sky, or that one near the laser. It would change the game slightly when they blow up, forcing people to take different routes. The destructible scenery would make every game a completely different game. Other than that, the map looks awesome, and I've only been able to find 5 people that want to play with me.(Not this map, but 5 people that are willing to play with me nonetheless.)
See now I appreciate the suggestion, but with this gametype I never wanted to make a floating fortress in the hill. Besides the gameplay is so hectic that it would be destroyed in a matter of seconds.
Wow i have never seen anything like this O.O very nice its very original and i like that, i like the whole concept of it. I dont really have anything to criticize about this map. 4.5/5
Well done on only putting one splazer in. The one reason I hate heavy maps is because of splazers. Good jb on the floating bases. Any Prowlers??
looks very good cant wait to try it out, but which one do you prefer, im running low on space so i can only download one wich gametype is more enjoyable
pretty nice map very basic gameplay, but balanced out by adding power AA weapons not much forging though, and i got no problem with that, but adding some things around, but not in, the hill for spots for ground vehicles pretty good, but basic you did it well though
Extremely super mega long reply!!!! Thank you very much for that! Boo short comment. (Thanks) Boo short comment. (Thanks) No, no prowlers they didn't really add to the gameplay so I took them out. Thanks for the complements. You should download the KoTH gametype. Well your criticism is met with rebuttal, HA, I out a money, sorry. Than again those tall towers of double boxes can sometimes help alot.
this is a pretty cool idea i have seen many maps like this but you made it balanced i think it could use a little more cover because one laser and you could take out 4 banshees at the same time with teammates and i don't know but you could make a gauss turret in the middle (oh wait there are no guass hogs) you should try making one on sandbox (middle level) you could block the towers and add lots of cool side structures if you can do this with avalanche i can imagine what you could do on sandbox
i made a map just like this a month ago and it is posted in the minigame maps. But i think you did a much better job than me on making it more balanced mine is more spread out across the whole map with many hill spawns but yours seems to only have one which promeses great battles in there i love how ou did the bases they are awesome. Overall i really like this map and it is a definate DL from me 5/5. p.s once i get sandbox i am going to make a v2 to my dogfight map and would like some help so if you want can yo help me?