Yes folks a new easter egg has been found by your one and only maddflash. BUCKLE UP AND SCROLL DOWN AND PREPARE TO SEE THE MOST AMAZING HALO 3 EASTER EGG....EVAR !!!11111 Its a smiley face on an assault rifle The smiley face is marked in a red circle. You can blatantly see a smiley face. Yes, I know about how when textures collide they sometimes look like a face. But if you look carefuly you can see that its one texture the whole way through. Close up of smiley face!!!!11111 Another view of teh smiely faec omg!!!111
When I look at it sideways it looks a bit like a deformed skull. I don't see the smiley though. Just the mouth.
Oh ya I see it now the mouth is on the right and the eyes are on the left, its not the perfect smiley face thoo
I just looked for myself, and I didn't see it any better. I think that if you are looking for it, you will see what you are looking for, but it's basically your eyes playing tricks on you.
You cant use it but every Human gun has a flashlight. im guessing you dont know about the Marathon symbol on the Assault Rifle then.
No, it's not an easter egg. What it is is a pattern set up up when designing the weapon, then it lines up with another pattern forming a inkblot. This inkblot can be anything depending on how you view it. Plus, it looks like the inside of the gun when you get passed the graphical layer.
Yeah if it was supposed to be there you will be able to see it more clearly .. But it's still a great find and i have never seen it before! Nice job! =]