Yea, i gave a shot a sprite tag... These are hard... Well, I didnt use a tut, just kinda messed with it... Umm... Idk about outcome >.< CnC..
Sprite is really blurry, it seems over saturated on the right side, and the sprite isn't the main focal.
Reaper was right on with the saturation. But the sprite seems to be the main focal. And, I think you need to sharpen, and blur the edges of the sprite. Overall, its good for a first.
The render is all pixelated and nasty. Also, the oversaturated colors seem to envelop the render like said above.
QFT Go to Planet Renders v3 and search 'sprite'. It should come up with great sprites. Make sure you are logged into your account and just click the image and right click. Then Save As... (PNG) and place it on your sig.
.... Seriously? ... Thats exactly what i used xD and .core, I'll try that... I'm going to make a V2 soon
Looks nice, looks like it would standout from others due to the use of the colors. I also like what you did to the right of the sig