
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Zombiesteve77, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    Created by Zombiesteve77

    Supported Gametypes:
    Team Slayer, Free-for-all Slayer, Capture the flag*

    *It is critical to put the flag reset time as 10 or 5 seconds. You’ll find out why in the description.

    Map Description
    Cradle. is a map inspired from the epic showdown in the classic first-person-shooter Goldeneye, which takes place on an antenna cradle. The symmetrical map concept follows a complex style of levels with multiple stairs to create a claustrophobic and edgy atmosphere.

    Whilst the action takes place above ground, be careful not slip into one of the cradle quarters; you will fall to your death. If you manage to fall down and survive, an overshield will reward you. Two gravity lifts positioned parallel to each other will assist you in getting back onto the cradle.

    If you are playing a capture the flag playlist, it is critical that the flag reset time is put as 10 or 5 seconds. The reason for this is in the event of the flag carrier slipping down and falling to his death, the flag will still be on the ceiling after he dies. By having a low flag reset time, you wont be waiting looking up at the ceiling for 30 seconds (which stinks).

    Who wants the rocket?

    A reward for surviving the fall

    The sniper awaits you.

    Closing in for the kill

    Slipping into his fate

    You are dead.


    In summary, “Cradle.” is an excellent map for some close-medium range carnage.

    Cradle. is no longer available to download. Cradle.v2 is to be released soon.
    #1 Zombiesteve77, Sep 4, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2008
  2. Bloodydagger1

    Bloodydagger1 Ancient
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    Looks awesome! The falling to death isn't the most original but i always like it when people use out of the map. The idea of having CTF on this is good aswell. Keep it up. 4/5
  3. PsychoPeng

    PsychoPeng Ancient
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    Very smooth, I like the design and the fall to death part! Add more teleporters if possible
  4. echo_k9

    echo_k9 Ancient
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    Looks great but i'm not so shore about the lack of cover in the middle layer look like it could get a bit crazy and personal i perfer to have a bit of tactics rather than crazy quick spawning ffa. But it looks great.
  5. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    To me the teleporters shouldn't be there. Also there needs to be more cover, so no spawn camping of something. 3/5, and a DL and I will try.
  6. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    Looks like a really great map for small team games like you said FFA slayer. The interlocking with the bridges in the middle looks great and the catwalk looks like it would be a key part in a CTF game. The only problem i see is the rocket launcher being so close to the OS. Well i am going play and test this map so hang on tight and i will get back to you in a full review. The review will consist of Map Creativity, Map Quality, Weapon Layout/Choice, Gameplay, and overall map score.
  7. FreshCherry

    FreshCherry Ancient
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    I like the gameplay, but you should make the rocket a shotty or sword cause it is too small of a map for rockets and what is up with the sniper? I don't like the falling to death ting too.
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i quite like this map.
    the concept isnt totally orginal but it plays quite well. The weapon placement needs to be rethought slightlt
    the aesthetics are nice although you've only interlocked what you felt like interlocking.
    those dumpsters make it look unprofessional. make a V2 and interlock that second level.
  9. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    looks nice dont no wat to say mayBz bigger version with more of an outer space w/ base and make DANGEROUS=fast n SAFE=slow.... n thought for v.2 maybe not rockets i havent played the map so i wont judge but somethingless powerful or something to cancel it out (other than sniper).... hope its low ammo..

    screenies nice affects link the top bnner/poster/thingy-ma-jig to a download link=EPIC WIN SAUCE... n maybe put more into the banner... i dont no thats not my cup of tea but something more EYE CATCHING...
  10. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    Simply Amazing. I have never seen a map like this. Looks fun, I cant w8 to play this with my friends. Good job man.
  11. Ryan. K.

    Ryan. K. Ancient
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    I think you should make the respawns different because when you respawn you have a guy right next to you. That will get some troubles after you.

    I like what you did with the Stairs, and the layout looks great.
    But you should Interlock those Fence Walls.
  12. Savagesound

    Savagesound Ancient
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    Nice map i always wanted to make one just like this but never got to it and yours is much better than what i could have done but i think cleaner interlocking on the sides where its angled would make it look better and get rid of the teleporters they ruin the map and seems pointless in my opion.
  13. Zombiesteve77

    Zombiesteve77 Ancient
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    Thank you for the feedback everyone. Its really helped me select what needs changing for the upcoming version 2. Glad people liked cradle and hopefully had a good time playing it. I'm looking forward to hearing back from a reviewer so i can continue to make improvements.

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