Debate Presidental election '08

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AllseeingEntity, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. thelastsparten

    thelastsparten Ancient
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    doc man you don't understand economics do you the reason gas costs so much in Europe is because of the taxes on the oil there the less taxes on oil the cheaper it will be that is why McCain plans lowering all taxes regardless of wealth or social status not im middle class so dont go screaming oh your just some elitist and you have stake in the oil company but the truth is that most of money that oil companies make goes to their investors saying hey don't tax me tax the oil companies they're evil is like saying oh hey lets go a take chunks out of peoples retirement funds. if it wouldn't be the end of society i would like to see to oil companies shut down just because everyone would be thrown into chaos and realize how wrong they were
    obamas so called new ideas are failed ideas of old democrats john McCain is not going with the current system either he is going with a strategy of lowering everyone taxes which in the past bolstered our economy because people had more money to spend
  2. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I believe that McCain will continue George B's presidency. And it takes 7 years to setup a successful an oil drill so drill now means nothing. I think Obama has the ability to make the right decisions.

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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    McCain has the experience which is good, but his vice president is a joke. Also, i agree with you Grif that McCain will follow George Bush's presidency, see that they are both republican. Hopefully though if that does happen, he will be like Bush Senor.

    Obama's campaign is actually a little suspicious. You may think this is retarded or immature to think of, but think about it: Obama is Osama with a B replacing the S, Osama likes to toy with us and would do something like that. Nobody has ever really head of Obama until the election, and I don't think he has been in congress for too long (correct me if I'm wrong). Call me crazy but it seems a little legit, physco, but legit.

    Those are really my thoughts; this years election is like 2004, both canidates suck

    EDIT: If you are going to give me rep for making an intelligent post (intelligent coming from me atleast), please don't give me + rep
  4. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    Do not tell me I have no idea about economics. I'm probably twice your age, and have taken several college classes on American Government and World Economics, as well as being good friends with people in the business world. Yes, the price of gas is expensive in Europe because it is taxed. But because of that, the taxes are lessened on the "everyman," as well as the fact that Europeans make more money and are taken better care of by their respective governments, thus they do not feel the pain of high prices as much as we do. It's more expensive there, but a large part of the reason is because they can afford to pay more.

    Also, learn to use punctuation and sentence structure. Then maybe people will take you seriously.


    ...are you serious? That's just being paranoid and looking too far into things. :/ I heard about Obama at the DNC in '04 when he did the opening speech, which was excellent. He's always had great ideas, even though he's only officially been in politics for four years. He taught constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, so one would think he knows what he's doing.
    Draw the Line likes this.

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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  6. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    Palin Scares Me

    Here she is talking about how Invading Iraq and building a gas pipeline in Alaska are both God's will:
    And here she is asking what a vice president does:

    Scary, Creepy, & Cringe Worthy
    Chipsinabox likes this.
  7. cB fROm aK

    cB fROm aK Ancient
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    I've been watching a little bit of the Speeches, and most of the news reports, and I'm thinking I like Barack Obama. The only thing that would even make me think twice about voting for McCain is the fact that he chose Sarah Palin as his VP, and she WAS the governor for my Homestate of Alaska. But I'm much rather have Obama in Washington D.C. than McCain beacuse I would love some real change, and I just don't think McCain can deliver the same type of change that Obama can bring to the country.

    Also, I've agreed with most of the things the Obama campaign has said. Like how they said that McCain's plan for teaching Sex Ed. To Kindergarteners, Most of which won't even be able to read yet, was completely Perverse.

    And I was watching the Today show, and I saw this battle going on about Palin's Speech about "lipstick". When Barack Obama cracked a joke about it saying "You can put lipstick on a Pig, And it's still a pig." The McCain Campaign called it "Sexist" And demanded an apology. BUT! McCain used the same statement earlier to didscribe Hilary Clinton. So That Kind of makes McCan, a Hipocryte... And Frankly, I don't want any of that in Office.

    Short Version:
  8. Wingsofhalo

    Wingsofhalo Ancient
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    The Obominator should win :D
  9. Conspiracy0

    Conspiracy0 Ancient
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    Bobby barrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ftw

    MONKEYDEATH3730 Ancient
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    You just got my vote
  11. M.Jelleh

    M.Jelleh Ancient
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    Just guess who I support seriously. No but really I don't see how anyone could vote for John McCain. Maybe if they are rich because the conservatives usually favor the wealthy, but I don't know how anyone with a regular salary or lower could support him especially in the condition of the economy. I just feel like Obama will be different and he will do things instead of doing nothing and acting stupid like GWB.
  12. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Actually Palin is a brilliant choice for McCain to win this election.

    A) She's a woman
    B) She's familiar to people on the West Coast
    C) She scoops up the conservative vote

    I mean that is quite literally one of the most brillian choices for a VP candidate for McCain. It only boosts his ticket.

    I also find it really funny when Feminists attack her. She's succesful, has a clean look, good public speaker, very popular in office. Her husband is in a Union, and eskimo, she has had five childern, she's gone toe to toe with big business, especially oil. Cracked down on corruption. I mean in all honesty, she sounds like the female version of Teddy Roosevelt.

    Basically, most democrats and feminists don't know what to do with her. It's like trying to corner a bar of soap. You can't. She is going to be a fantastic VP.

    I also think a lot of you should pay attention to the Presidential debates.

    Obviously by now you guys know who I'm voting for and I seem to be the only one on the whole site. Honestly, I'm glad half of y'all can't vote.

    McCain will win, I garuntee it.
  13. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    Ok so you don't think Oboma appeals to nobody?
    He's black (At least half) and that is a vote from other blacks, asians, latinos, and most people at my city, even though they are white.
    Oh and the middle class which is most of America.
  14. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    If you are going to try and offer some sort of return debate to rusty's intelligent remark, firstly, spell Obama correctly. Secondly, offer valid reasons for your statements. All I read was "oboma is black and because of that all these people will vote for him..." and that my friend only makes you seem less knowledgeable in respect to you and politics.
  15. The NilZ

    The NilZ Ancient
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    Macain ftw!

  16. Killer Carebear

    Killer Carebear Ancient
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    Well yes, but the fact that that helps is scary to me. She has no experience (executive experience, my ass) and no business being vice president or president. She is not going to act in the interests of women, ever. Any Hillary supporter switched over because of Palin should get a lobotomy.

    Hey rusty remember when you were ranting about your political views on xbox live a long long time ago and you told me that you respected the fact that Obama was muslim?
  17. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    I was going to say something along the lines of this. Palin seems like a great choice for VP, but I'm worried about her experience in office. She's only been mayor for 3 months? I think? I don't know how well she deals with pressures that come with the job, so frankly, I don't trust her. Plus the fact that she can field dress her kill is kind of scary...
  18. KB

    KB Ancient
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    Well if you wanna talk experience, Obama has been what? A community organizer? Does anyone want to tell me what the hell that is?
  19. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    For votes, it is one slightly dangerous moves he can pull. But for the well being of the country, it is the worst decision since she is anti-America in just about everything. Creationism in school, forced marriage, the list goes on.

    If McCain wins, it's the fall of what used to be a great nation.
    Yet whenever she get's interviewed without anyone helping her, she reveals more information which makes her seem worse and worse! The only tie she sounds good is when people talk to her.
    And that makes me cry! How can an entire nation keep voting the same perty over and over? Is it because the people voting in Facism caused wars? It honestly makes no sense! It's like Einstein said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. Do you honestly expect the US to be better off with the same party?
  20. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    It is not the same thing, McCain is a different person, with different views.

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