Temple of Atlas

Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by Gravedigger5454, Sep 5, 2008.


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  1. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    Temple of Atlas
    Created by American10 and Sir Toppum Hat1

    Gametypes Supported:
    (Slayer, Oddball, king of the hill, Capture the flag, Assualt, Territories, Juggernaut, Attack of Atlas, V.I.P)
    Recommended Players:


    The Ottoman Turks used newly invented gunpowder in cannons to destroy the walls around Constantinople. Once it fell, the Turks rushed into the city, conquering much of it. What was at first thought of as the cities last stand was a battle fought at a nearby building named the "Acropolis." The Turks won this battle, but some Byzantine soldiers managed to escape the Acropolis during the battle and took refuge in a small temple located in the mountains north of Acropolis. For 50 years they hid in this temple, which they named the Temple of Atlas. They established a small village there, and trained soldiers to fight against the Ottomans, in an attack they had planned.

    Soon, an Ottoman brigade discovered the Temple of Atlas and dug tunnels leading into it. On April 30, 1365 the Ottoman military launched an attack on the Temple of Atlas through the tunnels they had dug. They came through the tunnels at night and slaughtered the guards who were holding Turkish prisoners of war near where their tunnels came in. They then found their way to the underground creek, and mine; the Ottoman military stayed there and waited until the next night. Slowly they creeped though the city killing anyone in their way, until a Byzantine brigade spotted one of the Ottomans. At that time all hell broke lose. The Byzantine military attacked with full force, but the damage was already too bad, the Byzantine couldn’t do anything, there were just too many of them. Blood poured onto the streets, parentless children cried; they feared the this was the end of the Byzantine empire. The Ottoman soldiers took everyone else, who were still alive, as prisoners and began to head back, but then a Byzantine brigade who had been guarding the other side of the Temple, sees foot prints leading from the battle seen along with a trail of blood. Discovering the Turks invasion of their village, they plan an ambush.

    Map description:

    The map is a small map that includes four well constructed floors for gameplay and many tunnels. On the top there is the ground that includes a house, temple, sniper bunker, cove, waterfall, mine shaft, and more. Then there is a sort of "aqueduct" feel to the first layer of tunnels because of The water from the waterfall.These tunnels are stand up tunnels and they have 5 entrances to the ground above,and they have 2 entrances to the next layer underground.When you jump down from the 1st tunnel leyer you have two options, you can go to the left and go on the bottom floor where the dungeon is at or you can take a right and go through a layer of crouching tunnels. If you pick the right you can take another right and go up the mine shaft to the top of the level or you can take a left and go to some stand up tunnels.In the stand up tunnels there is a series of holes that you can go down to the bottom layer of crouching tunnels, but you must watch out for traps.Scattered around the map is some unresistable traps that take you to the dungeon and makes you kill yourself or stay in there and wait for someone to kill you.

    YouTube - Temple of Atlas-American10-vid by sharpshooter
    #1 Gravedigger5454, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2008
    The Sir Toppum Hat likes this.
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Congrats on the feature American! Aesthetics at their best!
    The Sir Toppum Hat likes this.
  3. NinjaKiwi621

    NinjaKiwi621 Ancient
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    looks good but more pics would be cool
  4. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Wow. I have never seen this map before. That's really weird for me. Anyway, it looks amazing. I'm surprised I haven't seen this. The middle structure is nice and the rest looks clean. So 4.7/5 and a download would be satisfactory. Congrats on the feature!
  5. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    i loved this map, it is worth a DL
    good job selecting a real map this time, FH
  6. Gravedigger5454

    Gravedigger5454 Ancient
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    There's only a few here to keep the post a little smaller, and so it's the same amount as others, however if you follow the link at the bottom to their original thread, you can find some more pictures.
  7. Squiiddish

    Squiiddish Ancient
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    Holy crap this map looks nice. Beautifully interlocked (one of the best box floors I've ever seen) and very well-planned. I'm a big fan of storylines myself (go look at ANY of my maps... especially 007 if you're really bored and want a good read) so I definately approve of that.

    As for the map design itself, it's probably just me, but I really don't like crouching tunnels. They can get really annoying really fast. On the other hand, most normal people say that hiding in one conveys a real sense of fear and urgency, so I'm not gonna knock the tunnels. I just don't like em.

    I would like a better description of the "traps" that await those who take a misstep (other than the dungeon), are they like dumpster-smash-puny-human traps or fusion coils or is it just the dungeon?

    All in all, from what I can see, this looks like it'd be WAY fun, especially for small team games. Doubles, maybe? 4 man FFA? In any case, I'll have to DL and check it out as soon as my XBox is working again, but for now 4/5
    NeverlessWonder likes this.
  8. American10

    American10 Ancient
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    Oh, well thank you for featuring my map, didnt know you were going to but..Well now i guess i got to say 1 more map to go.
    RacoonSniper 13 likes this.
  9. Norbert220

    Norbert220 Ancient
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    This is like absolutely amazing. 4.99999999213/5. The only reason you don't get a perfect score is because the tunnels with he water might cause some confusion shooting/ grenade wise, but it seems like it works really well anyway. Good job, and keep up the amazing forging! =)

    JASONYO Ancient
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    hey the link to one of the gametypes isn't is working. just wanted to point it out.
    the aesthetics look really nice on this puppy
  11. DDjusD

    DDjusD Ancient
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    #11 DDjusD, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  12. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    If you want more pics visit the original thread, it can be found out the bottom of this thread.
    This map is awesome, the interlocking is great, and the aesthetics cant get better. Great Job on the feature
  13. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    I remember playing this map with you american, about a day before the release and I didn't even know it. Congrats on the feature though.
  14. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    i love the way this map was made and how one object is more then one use to make it seem like there are a crapload more walls.... but in a slayer game there are basically 2 areas to fight and a crapload of areas that bring u to a place u have to commit suicide(equals -1 point) so then if someone doesnt know the map then the person is screwed when they try to grab the BR or the Brute Shot in the tunnels...

    but otherwise the forging is amazing... the gameplay, not so much.. awsome job 3/5!
  15. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
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    Wow nice pic mods! I saw this map before and was pretty damn impressed. I knew it was good and I thing it does deserve this feature. The second picture here looks really cool. Is it a waterfall or is it for detail? Either way it looks cool. Rated 5/5 for the original thread.
    #15 Gollygeeanelite, Sep 5, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2008
  16. Elkan Viel

    Elkan Viel Ancient
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    I saw this a while back and I thought it looked amazing and it still does. The interlocking and aesthetics are great and the map design is flawless. I'm glad this got featured, it is feature-worthy.
  17. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    American yo wut grave you dont post the vid i made for him???? sadface. great map yo and American and toppum's next map will give them both premium!!!
  18. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    Great. I was hoping and thinking this would get featured! Great 5/5 infection/slayer map. I DLed when it was first posted. It grew so fast :*). Good Jobzz.
  19. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Linibix told methis map got featured about an hour ago. It was funny because we both said it was worthy at the exact same time. It was pretty cool.

    The tunnels and competitiveness make this map outstanding and ever since I saw the origonal post, I knew that it was for the front page.

    Congrats Guys!

    CHIGGUMS Ancient
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    not sure just WHAT to think of this map

    I saw this map quite a while back on it's original post. Needless to say, I was thoroughly impressed by the stunning screen shots in the post and immediately downloaded. Upon my first playthrough, however, I was thoroughly unimpressed, and immediately deleted to conserve hard drive space. Lo and behold, today I log onto ForgeHub to see this very same map, which I had so hastily deleted just days ago, gracing the top of the front page!

    How can this be? - I thought - Surely there is something special that I missed the first time around! So I Que'd for Download once again, to re-inspect and seriously review this map that had previously dropped right off my radar. Here is what I've concluded.

    I usually love these "Ancient Maps," for one because I love Tomb Raider (I love you Lara!), and two, because the architecture reverberates more of what the "true" forerunner feel is to me. (ex - Halo 2's Sanctuary.) However, this map felt more to me like a combination of two great things that, when combined, loose their best qualities.
    1. Halo 2's Warlock - a great map with annoying symmetry.
    2. The crawling tunnels in The Legend of Zelda, Windwaker - a great game with this annoying type of puzzle.

    As a total noob myself, I naturally fell victim to the teleporter traps, wasted my grenades, and couldn't get out. For anyone playing it for the first time, especially against people who know exactly how it works, it will get really irritating really fast. It was not until I dissected the map in forge that I realized what a sickeningly triumphant piece of master-forging it really is. The precision, the geometry, the aesthetics - it's all so damned clever, but I just can't accept this map for anything more than that. Aesthetics. It is neither groundbreaking, nor flowing, nor even self-distinguishing.
    What I want is a map that I can just look at the name and its base Foundry backdrop and instantly think "Hey, I remember this map! It's that ____ map! The one with the really cool _____!" Don't feel bad, though - I'm obviously asking far too much from any forger.

    This map is a hands-down 10/10. Nevertheless, upon posting this review, I plan to re-erase Temple of Atlas (sorry), but now with a greater appreciation for what makes it feature-worthy material.
    Hazza likes this.

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