Well recently I have been grounded so I decided I would work on my GIMP skills. Here are some of the outcomes of my experimentations: Those are what I would consider to be my best.... Please comment and if you do, please say which one you like the most and what I can improve on overall. Thank you!
I is liking them but they aren't very amazing. Anyway here's some CnC so it doesnt sound like I'm just flaming. The first couple use essentially the same background which is not good. I mean some people use a style but urs is a little too similar. Also the others appear to be heavy with brushes and so I wouldn't suggest that in the future. Also instead of using hte pencil to make the swirly lines u should use the pen tool. Some of ur renders are disproportional and squished looking so when resizing hold down shift. The blue and white one and the bioshock one are the best and so kudos on those ones. On the blue and white one you can't tell what the render is though so it needs to stick out and be more clear. Tuts and C4d's would help you a lot though but keep up the practice! =)
A little too bright. I like these and the Boishck one looks like the one in the SIGs I made. Good Job. 3/5, 4/5, 5/5 on themzz.
Make sure to hold down shift when you are resizing images (atleast in photoshop anyways) it keeps the aspect ratios of the image so it doesn't look distorted. They are ok. I like the Zelda one best. Link is BEAST! The boba fett one has a really shitty render.
Thanks for all the critizsm! I use GIMP btw and the reason a lot of them look the same is because I pick like a theme thing and just work on them. If you know of any really good tutorials that would be VERRRY helpful!
the second ones render looks like it has a white line around it, and the rest of the renders are to stretched
Tutorialgod http://www.forgehub.com/forum/graphics-arts/31899-dragonball-z-sig-tut.html Tutorial God is da bomb and obviously I have to post mine but it got really good reviews so w/e...
I recommend you ditch gimp, unless you get LockDOWN to tutorial you. I use Photoshop and since I joined about 2 weeks ago I have fulfilled about 15 requests or so, but I have been using Photoshop since I was 9, 5 years of experience pays off... You should sharpen the renders more and you should also scale them so it isn't all distorted.
Dude! I got PS like 3 weeks ago! I only dled it cuz I saw other peoples sigs and my dad already had it... Anyway now I don't feel so bad that I'm not quite as good as u.
why does everyone dis on gimp you can create just as good stuff with it. It just takes more practice and paitience than photoshop and its free. Hello!
I cannot afford PS but I am trying to get LockdownN to teacj me... I am like a work in progress.... I just play around and learn stuff through experimentation. I did scale the renders and I don't get why everyone thinks they look "stretched"