Hey great MLG map, I really like the custom with the damage amp - puts a new twist on MLG. Also the grav lifts look like they will help you get around faster. Maybe add some interlocking. 4.5/5
Ok, i like the layout and symmetry of the map,the damage amplifier is clever, and i like the use of grav lifts. But once again...same old mlg map for you.
v2 is up! Check out the first page of the thread for updated pictures and links. v2 Changes: -All bridges leading to structures were flipped right side up to prevent any bumps when walking over them. -Walls added on sides of bases for cover. -One spawn taken from the pair of spawns at each top lift (now there is only one spawn) because the spawn was not covered. -Doors in front of each "empty" corner were removed. -"Empty" corners were changed dramatically. The dumpster were moved up and spawns behind the dumpsters were removed. A corner wall was merged into the wall in each corner to give more cover. You can also jump ontop of each corner wall via merged window panel. There is also a merged vertical door ontop of each corner wall to provide cover as well.
I don't know, it seems like a MLG map, but from the screenshots it doesn't feel MLG, you know what I'm saying? Anyway nice map, few cover placements here and there and its good.
I like the system of catwalks you have up their, some good interlocking looks good for some battle rifle action. It doesn't strike me as a MLG map though, maybe adding some weapons and using it as a team slayer map would be nice.
wow nice map this map kicks all my maps in the ass well i like your idea though the pillars remind me of onslaught but all in all awesome map
Despite the similarity between other MLG 2 base maps, I tried to make Condemned stand out more. The damage amp is really fun and great for competitive play. I just started working on a new MLG map, which is going to be a room based asymmetrical map (think chill out and damnation from H1). So hopefully you'll like it when I finish.
Because it is an MLG map I would remove the Grav-lifts and put crates with weapon holders on top. Other than that little thing it looks like a well designed map.
Other MLG maps have lifts, especially the ones in Halo 2. I think the lifts make Condemned a little different.
I agree, there is nothing wrong with the lifts, crates would irritate me, because with the lifts you can pull some really skillful tricks off, which regularly help me personally loose someone while I have low shields.
the only bad thing I can say about this map is that you obviously haven't read the guide to effective nade placement, to which I have no link. Otherwise it looks like a pretty fun symmetrical map one of the better ones with plenty of cover yet one that uses a ton of space GJ.
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it. However, I did find the guide to nade placement but it has little relevance to MLG maps. It says to vary the respawn times for grenades depending on the area they're in, but MLG makes all their grenades at 30 sec. respawn. Also most small maps have 4 sets of grenades. Since Condemned is a small map (2-8 players), it has 4 sets (2 pairs of plasmas and 2 pairs of frags). Thanks to everyone for their feedback, whether it be positive or negative. I wanted to tell everyone Condemned FFA and the gametype aren't on my fileshare anymore. I replaced them with a new map I just built (which will be hopefully posted in the next couple days). If someone really wants to DL Condemned FFA, send me a FR and I'll send it to you. The gametype is easy enough to recreate. Edit MLG TS v5: -set kills to win to infinite (like back in the Halo 2 days) -no teams -custom powerup: 150% damage, 30 seconds long, and force color black Thanks again for everyone that left feedback. Just wanted to post an update. I had to delete a picture (photobucket was being stupid) and I updated the links to my fileshare, so they should work now. I also wanted to see if anyone was interested in running some customs on Condemned and Asylum (my asymmetrical map, check my sig) in the next few weeks. If so, post your GT and I'll send you a FR, or send me an FR (GT: Fanatic 66).
Just added a few tweaks so v2.1 is up. v2.1 Changes: -Moved windowpanels slightly to make it easier to jump on corner walls. -Added more respawn areas (see Ender's Guide to Spawning on MLG forge forums) to create better spawning.
Hey man this is a great map. You could take away the gravlifts because there not MLG map standards. But the map is ok. I rate it a 4/5
I know lifts aren't standard MLG foundry material but lifts have been used on other MLG maps since Halo 2 (Warlock, Lockout, Midship) and certain Halo 3 maps (Guardian and Construct) have grav lifts.
This could have some potentiall good gameplay, but I would work on the cleaness of the bridges or find a way to make them more natural looking because they look like, well floating bridges. Good Map Though 8/10