The entries have been collected and it's now time for the voting. To make your vote post in this thread stating which you believe is the best signature and your reasons why. So why am I not using a poll? Well there are two answers Firstly I want to ensure the voting is based solely on the quality of the sigs and not have the voting turn into a popularity contest. You must provide a valid reason with your vote based on the properties of the signature. Any vote without a reason will be disregarded. Secondly the poll system on the forum can only have ten options. There are always more than 10 entries and this is the best solution as far as I'm concerned. If you have entered the contest you are free to vote, but naturally you may not vote for yourself. The theme this week was Photo Manipulation Here are the entries: masterjelly7 Stocks: 1, 2 Lone Deity Stocks: 1, 2, 3 albyhouse Stocks: 1, 2 Paranormal Stock: 1, 2, 3 Halostar317 Stocks: 1, 2 Dizfunky Stocks: 1, 2, 3, 4 KratosAurion777 Stocks: 1, 2, 3 megathumbs Stocks: 1, 2, 3 Draxfear Stocks: 1, 2 mitona Stocks: 1, 2, 3 duff himself Stocks: 1, 2, 3, 4 Zendarrun Stock: 1, 2 .Core Stock: 1 CaMOfo Stock: 1, 2, 3 Lord Terrax Stock: 1, 2, 3, 4 To clarify: You must post your vote and a valid reason for this vote. Votes based on the quality of the band or artist on the sig will be disregarded. Votes based on how cool the creator is will be disregarded. Votes with no reason at all will be disregarded. Let the voting commence.
Dizfunky, the text isn't great but the sig itself looks intense, I love the galaxy and the light looks really good.
Dizfunky The sig has been done really well, it could be the original image of the world in the sphere. Second best I think is Megathumbs. Also, can someone tell me what Core did to his entry?
Dizfunky gets my vote and looks like he will win this week to. I love how he used all thoughs different stock images together. One of the best signatures yet and I think one of the only that can pull off a thick border to. Awesome work, can't wait until I see more from him.
this week's theme was potentially the worst ever but my vote goes to dizfunky because he's the only one who's pulled it off
Did you suggest a theme to be used? No you did not. Photo manip was suggested to me and I thought it would be good theme to add variety.
I'm going to be miss oddball and vote for megathumbs cause that looks really awesome. Dizfunkys is cool but it kinda went along with lone dieties idk who posted first but someone copied...or at least those are my thoughts
i vote CaMOfo because it has so much originality. it was a very interesting idea it was to do the photo 'staticed' probably because of the tvs. very well done to all though.
Lone Deity gets my vote.His blending is very good so it makes everything fit together and look real.It also has a similar hue that also makes it look good.Im assuming he used some gradient maps.Nice job!
I is still liking mine but I gotsta vote for DizFunky... I likez ur sig a lot!!!! It is very wondery and amazing and such.
Megathumbs It looks the most realistic, and it just is an amazing idea. Dizfunky, and Lone Deity's are cool. But are like the same exact thing.
im saying megathumbs. my reason is it looks so realistic and all his other ones from past week where bad. i think he finally reached the point where you become good at sig making. second choice is disfunky. dont get me wrong, it is just how much he has improved and disfunky's doesnt seem as much realistic.
camofo. I can't imagine how to do the "running ants" background, and the tvs seem to fit the people that they are on. It's also easily the most creative. I applaud you camofo.
mega thumbs gets my vote. really badass idea. it reminds me of a tattoo i saw a few years back. the dark shadows really makes it look real. well done! dizfunky and lone diety both created nice works but it kinda seemed too simple of an idea in photoshop. don't get me wrong they are awesome and I would have never thought of it but they seem to be missing the wow factor. mine flat out sucked this week and i was the one that suggested the theme. how weak is that?