
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by minato, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Created by minato, gamertag: Kyuubi Shippo

    Supported Gametypes:
    Slayer, and ONLY Slayer

    Map Description
    Let me see. I got bored one day, and started making this map, and found out it looked like a face. I named it Predeposition as a random word that came to mind. Don't ask. I made it literally impossible to escape unless you go into forge, and go oracle. I don't like the stories, so just download the map, play it, and give me reviews so that I may make future maps better. Also, the map is symmetrical. I spent a large ammount of time trying to make this map exactly the way I drew it on paper, but that didn't work out so well.


    Sideways overview

    Anti-Escaping on Right Side

    Anti-Escaping on Left Side

    The Fuel Rod Cannon, Infront of the bridge that carries the Sword

    Another Overview


    If you don't like the map, keep your flames to yourself. I had help making this map from forgehubber Sesshomuru. Good day.

    Download Predeposition
  2. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
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    Well, truth be told, randomly made maps arent really what comes up in forgehub, but this one looks,... interesting. im sorry to say its kinda crummy and sloppy. it is good that you made it inescapeable but its way to open and kinda dull sorry to say. and i fule rod cannon on an open map makes it pretty much worse. try adding more feeling to your maps next time, more cover and a more balanced weapon layout. i know this was randomly made but still, could be better. 2.5-5
  3. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Thank you for the reply, but how exactly would you know how 'open' the map is, if you haven't even downloaded it. Or how 'crummy' or 'sloppy'. And truth be told, this map was thought out once I had the idea for a map. I even made a picture of ALL of Foundry, and drew the map. I do appreciate the ideas on how to make it better, but at least download the map before you start saying it sucks.
  4. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
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    minato dont take it personly but your map does look a bit open and dont worry once he tries your map he will make the proper adjustments

    maybe try and remove the fuel rod and put in another floor or some more elevated ground
  5. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    I don't quite know what is going on with this map. Why would i play this map compaired to other maps on forgehub? You should ask yourself this question every time you post a map here.

    It seams difficult to get on to the boxes. There is no cover. Weapon placement is off-balance. There are tons of thing you could improve on. The only thing i could give you, and sorry orbital shot, is that it looks very neat. Hope you learn from this map and continue forging!
  6. IVIercinator

    IVIercinator Ancient
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    I can't say I enjoy this map. It just looks pretty pointless to me. Not to be mean but your entire description was about anti escaping. Sorry but I give this map a 2/5
  7. Zachary9990

    Zachary9990 Ancient
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    I'm sorry, I really don't wnat to diss you, but I believe the guy above me is right. In order to get downloads for your map, you have to make pictures that look like the map is interesting. From what I can see, This map looks like there is a total of one semi interesting building made of walls, and the rest is a bunch of open space and unprofessional tunnels made out of uninterlocked boxes, I really don't like to diss a map, and I always try to focus on the positive, but this map is just very uninteresting. You may want to test a map before you put it out too. This just doesn't have the quality that we as forgehub members have come to expect from this community.

    You do have potential, and I'm sure if you thought about an idea for a while, you could make a good map, but for now, I just am not impressed. Feel free to message me when you make another map.

    I will probably download this and see if I'm wrong this weekend ( I can't play on weekdays because of my AP Euro Class, it's killer) I will give it a real rating, but for now, I give it a 2/5 from the pictures.

  8. minato

    minato Ancient
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    *Starts laughing maddly* Trust me, you won't be able to escape human, or covenant. I tried to escape for litterally 7 hours STRAIGHT. And, my friend calls me the 'Halo Houdini' because every map he or I have ever made, I have escaped from, and fixed it. I have no reason to be mad at the other people, because I had me and only me to test the map, which sucks. And, the only reason most of my description was about anti-escaping was because I didn't even really have anything else to say... I was just saying, please don't plame a map, if you do not know how it plays. Have a good day, all. And, forgyforge, I commend you for being smart, and trying to get out, but you won't.
  9. mavcev

    mavcev Ancient
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    trust me... there will be that one guy... that thinks he is so great because he managed to get out of someones map...
  10. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    kinda sloppy, may want to interlock all those double boxes togeter
    mabey not sword and launcher right next to eachother
    flip those bridges and find a substitute tomancannos, the noise of so many in a map will become annoying durin gameplay
  11. Ghost AE

    Ghost AE Ancient
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    This map seems very neat. In your V2 though, you should make more cover for the attackers side, some more weapons over all, and a way for the attackers to get to the fuel rod and sword without having to go around back. No offense, but it seems to me that you spent a lot more time on making it unbreakable than making it playable. It was a very good idea, you just need to fix a couple things.
  12. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Umm..... The attackers side and defenders side are exactly the same. The map is symmetrical. I guess I should have put that in the description. And, the time making it unbreakable was roughly half the time making the actual map. Meh, whatever.
  13. Stratigon13

    Stratigon13 Ancient
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    Great map but im not sure you really tried your hardest in this map. you should try using some forge 101 tecniques like interlocking and geomerging. Link:Forging 101 - Forge Hub Halo Forums

    I don't like that the boxes are upside down and hard to enter. the bridges could be turned upside down. Also when people say open or plain they mean that basically this map is flat with some tunnels. You should try to layer your map to create more interesting geometry.

    Now about the weapon set, you should always test your maps before you post them. FH even has a section dedicated to that where you can schedule times to test. Power weapons like sword and fuel rod should definately not be so close. And with that i leave you to improve and forge better and better creations with each forge session.
  14. minato

    minato Ancient
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    Can you give me a link to this page of Godly awesomeness? I need the page.
  15. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    umm, sorry to say, but thats what pictures are for. it does look extremely open.
  16. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    This map seems a little empty from the pics. I'm going to download it and take a walk around but I'm pretty sure if there was more to see you'd take a picture of it. You have potential. Just take all criticism as constructive, not insults.
  17. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    omg!!! wat has you done to foundry. you made it a horrible place!!!! lol jk its wayyy to open and if there is a sniper or any kide of medium range weapon its just way to open. sorry but ill give it a 2/5. try addind a second floor or maybesome more cover. but a map of this size with little cover is a no dl for me
  18. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Minato, I apologize for the extent of the rudeness other members have shown. Comments that consist solely of "It's too open, 3/5", "This map sucks", or etc. aren't tolerated, and by new rules are technically spam. Feel free to report these posts as such if it's inherently obvious, but make sure that you don't overuse it.
  19. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    To be honest that really says it all, if the map has no features then to other members it may seem a little boring. Sad to say, the map is a little cover-less on top of the double boxes and as it is your first picture, it doesn't give the map a good first impression. Same to comment about the ground floor too (but that is not as bad).

    In a V2 I would firstly consider adding cover as that seems to be the main point everyone is commenting on. Secondly, I would add an interesting looking structure or two to grab people's attention. You could also make the map a little cleaner ( fully interlock the boxes. Nice geo-merging with the open bos though.

    Hope you can improve this.
  20. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    way to escape the subject and not rate that map. I think thats a spam post, because you didnt even comment on the map. anyway since my original rating got deleted by a mod it was 2.5/10 because ts to open and looks thoughtless, however theres good potential for future maps because your interlocking was good.

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