McCain's acceptance speech

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stouf761, Sep 4, 2008.

  1. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    Was that not moving?
    The main thought buzzing through my head was, "**** im too young to vote..."
    Who else thought it was good?
  2. Raw King07

    Raw King07 Ancient
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    He put me to sleep with all of his hypocrisy. Like when he talked about the guy who died in Iraq, he was going to avenge him by sending more people like him to die in Iraq so we can be 'safe'.

    The last I heard was him lying out his ass about how we should read his lips...err not raise taxes, and how he was going to all this other stuff Presidents don't even have the power to do.
  3. Sp3c0p5grunt 2

    Sp3c0p5grunt 2 Ancient

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  4. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    I didn't watch it, but I know that Obama's speech was great. He is cleary the winner of this presidential election. Most of America is tired of Republicans right now. Stouf we shall have a long debate over this during lunch.
  5. fiery

    fiery Ancient
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    I hate watching the conventions of both sides.They are both full of misinformation and pandering.
  6. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    I did watch it, and I know they were of equal greatness.
    This is clearly a tough race, unless obama says im black then it over (obama wins)
    So says your news source (90% of all of em, the rest just dont know much) Oh wait, he already yelled I'm black, thats why people like him and his inexperiencedness
    I prefer eating without thinking.
  7. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I dislike McCain as well as his speech. I think he's full of ****. However, I was more afraid of what Palin said the other day than anything that has come out of "the Maverick"'s mouth so far.
  8. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    his speech was ridiculous.

    anyone who could have found anything "moving" about it is clearly mentally impaired.
  9. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    ^ Problem with America's politcal system right there.

    People are biased and for what? No reason.

    How many strong democrats have ever voted Republican. How many strong Republicans have ever voted democrat. Very few. And most of the very far left or right kids at my school who argue about it all day, why are they that way? because there parents were. they were raised that way. i think we shouldn't have parties supported by either democrats or republicans, just candidates. i personally think both sides have their strengths and weaknesses, but really, i cant vote, so i dont care.

    what will the outcome be? not sure. depends on the truth of statements like "most of america is tired of republicans."

    most of america (if i am still correct) is republican. and if the past years have shaken their hold on that side, then i really dont know. personally i think obama is a better speaker, but truly whether he has other skills to be a good president, i'm not sure. as for mccain, he just seems like another old republican guy running for president. has his fair share of experience and, i kno people will deny it but, wisdom. the race is really close. i cant even make an accurate decision because all around me people are saying obama would win, but four years ago all around me there were people saying kerry would win. so maybe i just end up in areas with more democrats. and for the candidates, they both have their strengths, i can really be the one to determine it, like i said i'm a child, and wont be paying close attention till i can vote for president in 4 years.
  10. Wet Dog Poop

    Wet Dog Poop Ancient

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    All the things he said in his speech would he ever do them?
  11. DocMan

    DocMan Ancient
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    I am a socialist, but I choose to vote with the Democrats because they identify to my beliefs more closely than the GOP does. I voted for a Republican for our local city council last year because he was the more qualified and intelligent person. I voted for the recall of Gray Davis in California a few years ago because I believed that he, although a Democrat, was not doing a good job.

    There are many damn good reasons why I generally do not vote Republican. I do not believe in tax cuts for the rich. They don't need them, they're rich for ****'s sake! Tax cuts for the middle class is what is needed. People cannot live on minimum wage alone. This is a known fact that you would have to be crazy to deny. Taking a bit of the burden off of the working heart of America is exactly what is needed. I am pro-choice, but also pro-life. Abortion is a terrible yet necessary thing. It under no circumstances should be used as a method of birth control (speaking of which, I also LOATHE the idea of abstinence-only sex ed. it doesn't work.). However, in the right situation an abortion could save someone's life literally and figuratively. Bottom line is, we men and especially the politicians should have NO say whatsoever on what a woman can and cannot do with her own body. It's just not our place.

    My parents are both Democrats, as well as most of my family. So yes, it is true that the apple rarely falls far from the tree. However, I believe what I do not because that was what was taught to me and told to me, but because I am an intelligent person. I am smart enough to know what is what, and when enough is enough. I am smart enough to know with good conscious what is right and what should never be allowed. I am open minded, I am progressive, I am a liberal, and I am proud of it.

    I would like to end this little tirade with a quote: "Liberals got women the right to vote. Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote. Liberals created Social Security and lifted millions of elderly people out of poverty. Liberals ended segregation. Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act. Liberals created Medicare. Liberals passed the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act. What did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things...every one! So when you try to hurl that label at my feet, 'Liberal,' as if it were something to be ashamed of, something dirty, something to run away from, it won't work, Senator, because I will pick up that label and I will wear it as a badge of honor." - Matt Santos, The West Wing.
  12. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Yes I'm not saying there aren't voters who don't actually bu there heart into the decision, or voter who are more likely to vote one way but change it up everyonce in a while...

    But a lot of what you're saying in there is based of stereotypes about each side, being good and bad. i dont care why you vote one way or another, i'm just saying the fact that there are a liberal side and stuff like that are part of the corruption. I mean think about how many liberals wouldn't choose the more "liberal" option in the voting if it wasn't clearly labeled through weeks, if not months, of people telling them that it was the "liberal option"

    and i'm not saying it doesn't go both ways.

    and you may say "hey i'm liberal and i'm clever enough to know what that means in terms of voting." and even if that is true, you're probably smarter than more than half of everybody else.

    i really don't like these debates, because like i said, it always comes down to this, left wing vs. right wing, and i'm fighting for neutrality, a side which gets hit by both.
  13. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Watched the first 10 minutes of John McCain's speech and i really could not watch anymore. Its very alien to me as a Brit i guess. Also watched Obama's speech and excluding policy areas they are very similar. Every other scentence is followed by crazy amounts of cheering they were both very manufactured. Its such a hype driven election.

    I have to agree with Murdock but will rephrase what he said to say that America is largely Conservative with a small 'c' (ie. they generally dislike chance). Arguabley both the Republicans and Democrats are both right wing. Just Republicans are much more right wing than the Democrats.

    I did prefer Obama's speech though hence why i watched all of it. It was spun very well.
  14. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Before, I was pretty much going for the Democrats, but now that I've re-examined my situation, the only reasons I actually would vote for the Democrats is because the presidential candidate came from Hawaii, and because I believed that the Republican party was full of idiots like Bush. But I never liked Biden. He's old, ranting, and talky. McCain and Palin are just as good of a choice now as Obama and Biden are.
  15. stouf761

    stouf761 Ancient
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    But its not. However CNN thinks so, causing the rest of the world to (my proof is conversations about american politics with some people, each from different countries, that thought CNN told the full story of everything.)

    The world needs to realize that bush isn't like every republican, and there are better out there.
  16. yomtvraps

    yomtvraps Ancient
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    I was begining to consider Barack, but then Guiliani came out and pointed out everything out that was bad about him. McCains speech wasnt really that motivating though.but you have to give him credit for still being alive. lol. I'kll vote for McCain not because hes great but because Barack is an idiot.
  17. ToochieHxC

    ToochieHxC Ancient
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    i don't watch, listen, read, or discuss politics...but i know enough that in my opinion (as in i don't care what you guys think) that McCain is a douche and obama's gunna, or at least try his hardest, to save this country from where its headed.
  18. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i dont really like either of them that much, but i would rather mccaine win. im all for cutting taxes, whoever it is that is doing it. obama has already stated that he is going to about double taxes, although maybe not completely directly. and i like palin, she has more executive experience than obama and mccaine combined. and i hate to admit it, but many people are just not going to vote for a black, or half black candidate, especially people who would typically vote democrat.
  19. UndoingChales

    UndoingChales Ancient
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    this is a dumb forum
  20. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    My problem with McCain's speach is that it discussed nothing about our economy and how he is going to improve it as he has promised. So far both sides have said little to nothing about the actual issues and how they're going to be solved. They've both promised change, but neither side has really stated how, which should be the point to this election.

    At least Obama is giving some details about his budget for alternative energy...I've only heard promises from McCain.

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