Criss crossfire

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Resix, Sep 5, 2008.

  1. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    Criss crossfire is a fully symmetrical map made by me. it took me over 18 hours to interlock everything just right. over 80 objects are interlocked.

    This map is meant for 1v1 and 2v2 slayer only. (3v3 works too but a little crowded) i have not set up objectives for it yet but that will be added in any later versions of this. And also. around the fence box center peice fencewalls will spawn after 3 minutes of gameplay to give more mobilty to the players.

    Weapons list

    x4 SMG's
    x1 Sniper rifle
    x1 sword
    x2 Br
    x8 plasma grenades
    x4 frag grenades
    x1 bubble shield
    x1 active camo spawn

    Now for the pics.

    Overview 1

    Overview 2

    Red team spawn

    Blue team spawn

    aesthetic box

    Sniper/ sword spawn

    Geomerged single box open/ active camo spawn

    Heres the link to the map : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing

    And the game type team slayer with 2v2 teams works th best with this map.

    please download rate and comment

    thx luv ya.
  2. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    I don't know if it's a good idea to have a sword on this map. I'm guessing whoever has it will just rape the other guys. But the map looks pretty nice. I like the curvy shape of it. The merged boxes look a little bent, you could fix them in v2. But the rest of the map is pretty cool, nice work! I rate this 4/5
  3. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    actually you would be suprised the sword isnt the best weapon on this map it is actually bad because of the brs and the distance people get from the sword guy
  4. n1n3CAL

    n1n3CAL Ancient
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    The map seems a little small but then again you did say it was mostly for a 2v2 gametype so I guess it works. The map is well merged for the most part. Much better than I ever could. I'm just wondering about the spawns. Are they in good cover from a sniper?
  5. Da Pig

    Da Pig Ancient
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    Hmm well I haven't tried it out so I guess you're right. I'll do that. As soon as I get my xbox back that is....
  6. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    wow i like how you put the map inside that arena. The weapons look balanced and this would be a good map to play when you have a small party(kinda like guardian.) 5/5
  7. forgyforge

    forgyforge Ancient
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    This map looks cool. Very small, just enough cover. Though to many power weapons. 4/5 and a DL.
  8. WispyHobo54

    WispyHobo54 Ancient
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    Wow cool merging and interlocking...
  9. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    awsome looking map
    mabey interlock the 2 back bases better, they look messy
    dont put sword and sniper right next to eachother
    the center piece is cool
    i like how you got it to ahve 1 big caution band around it
  10. I SeNTiNeL I

    I SeNTiNeL I Ancient
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    Criss crossfire by xpwx stealth

    The map is essentially an arena in which the teams spawn on raised platform on either end and must fight over the centre. The exterior wall is pretty substantial considering that at no point the actual walls of Foundry are used. It is also nicely built and very clean. Unfortunately it is escapable by a grenade jump off of the barriers holding the BR's. Its not a massively difficult jump either. Also grenade jumping from the Sniper ledge will get you out. Personally im not so fussed about escapability as it requires you to hurt yourself to do so but some people can be picky about it.

    Before i talk about the map layout i should let you know that the fence walls that make the walkway around the central fence box, well two fences boxes placd together, are not actually spawned in. Although most of the them appear when i launched a forge game when i started a new round i found of all them to be spawned out on a 180 second respawn. Im guessing this was not intentional so i thought i would let you know. The overall geo-merging and interlocking is to a good standard across the level. The spawned out walkway is kind of bumpy and the window panels, i do not know what you were going for there, are just made a bumpy mess and it does not work. They need to be embedded into the bridges more or not used. I eally like the construction of Sword room i think it looks really nice so kudos for that. The A and B signs in the bases do not really work, you can grenade ontop on them and get in behind the wall corners and just sit there. Also one of your A signs has fallen backwards a bit and is not straight. If you decide to update the map i recommend you try and block the two gaps at the back of each base completely. At best they are nothing more than grenade traps.

    Weapons all seem fair and equal opportunity to reach for both teams. I am a bit wary of the Sword of this map its relatively small size will probably lead to many Sword multi-kills. It is relatively limited however with its 180 respawn. The team that controls the Sword will have an advantage and if that Sword person gets the Active Camo they will have a field day on this map!

    The spawning of the map really works to keep teams to their own side of the map. This to be fair is probably on this map a good thing. It is too small to realistically flank though pinning the othet team and spawn camping them is most likely gonig to happen if two teams of different skill levels play against each other. So do not be surprised if you are spawn killed. There is not much i can offer in the way of advice to improve this because the spawn killing is brought about very the very nature of the level itself. The best way to avoid it would be to only play smaller games.

    Overall the level is rather nicely built and certainly creates a pretty frantic and intense game with the teams all over each other pretty much from the first second. If you liked incredibley fast paced slayer games than this map will probably be the kind of thing you are looking for. With the $152 you have left on your budget and the objects left i realy hope to see an updated version of the map that has addressed the escapability at least and maybe tried to break the map up a little more to try and restrict spawn killing as much as possible.

    I SeNTiNeL I
  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    i see a way out, if those bases, the signs A and B are not interlocked into the wall, if they are-then never mind.
    looks good, kinda like a sort of paintball arena, or a competition kind of map.
    i like the wall climb to sniper.
    keep forging! =)
  12. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    yes the spawns are in good cover from snipers
  13. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    v2 will be coming out in the next week so please keep your eyes peeled for that and please if you have any suggestions for it just post a reply here
  14. RoflMatadoRR

    RoflMatadoRR Ancient
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    Looks quite good. Cover is provided, and the interlocking and geomerging are done quite good too. A concern of mine: the Sniper and Sword spawn a bit too close to each other, providing a single player with two power weapons. But Halo could always use more close-quarters maps. Nice job, keep up the good work.
  15. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    nice job on the base spawn simple but i think they r right for the map...
    like the sword spawn but maybe not a sword, a mauler or possible shotgun...
    liked the geomerging n interlocking looked smooth which is needed...

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