weird, in the visor, its the canvas, but its really not, oh and this has a sneek peek to my newest map, which will hopefully be finished soon, anyway, heres the video: | Halo 3 Video | Video | WEIRD
Hmm thats odd, but its normal for bungie to do that i guess it would take alot more coding to get each item in the reflection.
Yeah...I remember Bungie saying that multiplayer shadows and reflections won't be as amazing as the campaign reflections as to cut down on lag etc...
wait just one minute, when did y35 get banned and why, he was such a high rank, and maybe a about to be a loyal. also, thats really weird, but why does it do that, and how does it know what the reflection should look like.
he said or..posted something naughty which is against the rules. he'll be back in about 3 days i think
I had noticed this too, its a little odd to say the least, but is understandable if it cuts down on lag etc. It also happens with certain objects in foundry- I noticed that the rotating fan vents were being reflected in a wall I placed even though there were other objects blocking the way.
That is weird. Nice find. I didn't know that happened. Also, I would have thought someone would have noticed that by now, but who knows.
yah me and my friends found this out on forge a long time ago, and when i made this video, i just thought i'd share it with you guys to see if it was a well known thing... it kind of seems half and half, some people do, some people don't... kind of what i expected.