SHARKS AND MINOESHey its UndoingChales with a map and gametype that will make your balls drop! This Map is of Course is "Sharks and Minoes" The Gametype: "S&M" If you've ever been in a pool, you know this game, if not, here's the downlow: You start at one side of the pool and try to make it to the other side, easy enough right? Wrong! As you journey across the "pool" pesky sharks are pickin' you off one by one increasing the shark army! Minoes are fast, agile, and wield an unuseful pistol, the sharks are slow and heavy, but powerful. You start on the diving board, or on the ground if you try to be "smart" and stay on the diving board, sooner or later bombs will spawn and blow you off of the board(you don't die) and an easy target for the sharks, the teleporters located opposite the diving board transport you back to the board and safety, The way to score is only by being the last man standing, Once you are, you've recieved your points and there's no reason for you, so Last Man Standing becomes a heavyweight: slow and stuck to the ground Have fun! PicsV V V V Shark&Minoe Spawns Diving Board/Safety Not Safe Anymore! Shark Bait Ooh Haha! Back to the Diving Board Last Man Swimming The Gameplay is UNTOUCHABLE Halo Players: "We Love It" Non-Halo Players: "I Just **** My Pants it was so good" Download Here!: V V Sharks and Minoes-Map S&M-Gametype
This is a VERY good map and it has the best mini game map idea ever! I like how you can't just stand on the diving board forever. I like how you can go back to the diving board too. What do you do though? Get to the other side?
This has happened many times. Though this looks great and beter than my map. I hope someone makes one on high ground
I may just have to accept that challenge . Well anyway i love this game and i play it at the pool all the time. I am a beast at it ^.^! Well it looks like a great idea, great gameplay, but pretty good map. You could make it eye candy for the more spazzy members. But still very nice map man. 4/5! Keep Forging!
This looks like it would have crazy fun gameplay. The only problem is I think this name has been used for different types of maps a lot. Good Job on Map
i know what you mean about eye candy and i do so in my other maps (Signature) but this is mostly for gameplay
i love the idea and it looks fun. and best of all those guys who think they're smart and stay on the board... get a whole bunch of hurt... i will try it and give it a good score!!
Yes, this has been done somewhat to many times. Work on a different Mini Game. I am about to post one tomorraw!
watch out for the double posts, you don't want to get an infraction... either way, very nice map. I really love the bombs that fall on you after a while. i do think that the teleporters should lead to some second "pool" though, and after a while they go back to the beginning
if they lead to a second pool, then the game will get too complicated, first play the game and you'll see what i mean. if the humans went to a second pool, then the sharks wouldn't be able to get there and the humans could stay in the second pool as long as they want
Your map looks fun. I love mini-game maps, however I am full at the moment. I would offer an invitation for you to play this with me on Xbox Live, but seeing our current stance I will not. The concept is nice, but I'm not sure how it will play.
if anyone has been spamming in this thread its you every single post in here of yours is techically spam the map looks kinda messy and its not very origional mabey you should add some asthetic touches and mabey a custom power up halfway to give 1 minow a boost