i was being quite serious my good sir. you see thats what i would do if i was ever in a solitary confinement.
I swear that guy deserves nothing but death. He should die for that. he MUST die for that. If ther is one crime that angers me, it's rape. Rapists do not deserve forgivness, they do not deserve hospitality, and they sure as hell do not deserve any form of happiness. Prison is too good for them, they must suffer for all eternity. They should be executed in the most painful, agonising, and unpleasant way. Why should we give them a second chanse? Why let them live? They are disgraceful, uncaring, sick-minded abominations to man-kind! They have defiled another human in a brutal manner for pleasure. They deserve nothing but obliteration. You may say "but they are people too!" I say they lost their right to be treated like a human-being when they raped another human! They Must suffer! And moral values? Screw them like he screwed that baby. He has no morals. He should be treated like a plague! And how do we treat plagues? We destroy them. If not killed, then he should still not be allowed happiness, he got plenty of that when he raped a baby. Not even a **** would rape a baby, maybe an adult or child, but not a baby. We should end his disgraceful life!
lonely? if your that lonely, get a GF, also...EWWWWW!!!! for those of you who have no idea how, here it is >He sticks his "thing" into the kids "butt"< NASTY! GET A GF!
I hope he gets put in jail with some horny giant just so he can see what it feels like. ****in sick, mind my french.
Wow... just... wow... It's people like this that give rapists an even more bad name than they already have...
What would even give you the intention that screwing a child, especially your child, to be ok. This man is ****ed up.