Let's all get behind the illegal abuse of prisoners! It's OK, because they don't have any rights if they're considered an abhorrent human being! If it's OK to send people we feel hatred for to a place where they'll have their life made as unpleasant as possible, then abuse in general must be OK! Wait, why not just rape him every day and eventually kill him! YAY! HYPOCRISY IS FUN!
And that, Sir, is why you have a yellow name and get free pats on the back every time you visit Wendys. In all honesty though, how do you even get it up when you see an 8 day old baby? :s
I don't know, he must have serious mental problems, and as such should be treated for them in a secure ward... rather than throwing him to the prison rapists...
Yeah that is just wrong talk about what a sick person. Look what the world is coming to this is just as worse as the story of the mom putting the new born baby in the garbage. I can't wait till this guy drops the soap in jail.
Most people see an eye for an eye, and don't really understand what's going on with the person, which is why I don't use that train of mind at all. [/quote]
I don't understand. Crimes are usually commited to gain some sort hard-to-earn benefit - but how the **** would one benefit from this?
This be why i am (legit, not joking at all) in favor of solitary confinement life sentences NOT be unconstitutional (it was ruled too cruel and unusual, but is raping a baby not?)
Oh dear God... There's so much wrong here, and the events are almost too terrible to talk about, and yet... The first thing that I'm tempted to do is make a horrible, inappropriate joke. What the hell is wrong with me?
Humanity FTW. The good thing about prison is that there is some weird sort of honor among thieves when it comes to child (or infant) rapists Regular rape seems perfectly ok to these guys, but if you touch a kid your dead meat. He'll be shown first hand what it's like to have a massive **** shoved somewhere you don't want it to be.
We could explain But this story is very dodgey .. I hope he gets a bigg punishment .. This is just sick!
Omg...That's sick, I feel bad for that baby... He should spend the rest of his life going to tortoire cells, every month, a bullet through his feet, and every day 10 wipes of a whip.
Ok on the whole "let's torture this sick bastard" nonsense, that makes perfect sense, lets go ahead and go against our moral standards, Shock, your right, hypocrisy IS fun!! I'd say throw the man in prison for about two weeks. Enough time with those boys is enough physical punishment. Then lock him in solitary confinement for the rest of his life with absolutely no contact to humans. You might think thats mercy but its even more torture, just in a different perspective. Since humans are social beings we need to be social in life (yea I know that sounds stupid but hear me out). Even being insulted and bullied is still a social matter because you are interacting with other humans. But cut that man off from all life around him, no human contact, just an empty room with no one to talk to, nothing to listen to, that's punishment my friends.