Okay. These is not my last SIGs . I will post them all on here, and of you wantzz one tellz me! Also my Fav is the last one! : Requests : Spoiler This is my favorite on that I have made
LOoks nice im guessing your a fan of bioshock. Good job with the render it blends well with the backround
grrr.... I like the sig in general but just some words of wisdom brushes aren't always good for backgrounds and if you do use brushes stick to defaults. Also the left of the sig is very bland and so you should add something in there. I would suggest some C4d's set to color dodge eminating from from the Big Daddy to make it better. Also I wouldn't suggest stopping cuz the only way you get better is by practicing and getting help from more experienced members. This is a large improvement for you though so good job! =) Edit: Also the blur gives a nice effect so kudos on that.
OMFG dude stop spamming with a kajillion threads.....you cant even HAVE a sig.....go to .core's extensive critique, or go to rate the above users sig, but dont launch good threads back, with these that have a kajillion of them....MODS PLEASE DELETE HIS THREADS UNTIL HE LEARNS TO POST PIX IN ONE POST, WITHOUT STUPID SPOILERS!!! thanks you and have a nice day
Okay, I wasn't trying too. Don't delete this one this is the one I am puting all of them on now, so delete the others, plus I WILL be abe to l8er, plus this also fun!
Your text is horrible but the effects are much better, just work on text and you would have pretty good sigs.
I'm guessing you use GIMP? Work on your borders. In some, they're not there and in others, it takes away from the main point. Also, set the border to overlay or soft light. Your text needs work as well. Try shortening your text to 2 letters or 4! If you want good effects, set the text to soft light or Overlay. That can give some very nice effects.
New robot one? It dosen't look too good. 3/5. But the others I like. When I am unwarned, and you are unbanned I have new SIG?