Hey, ill try to work on this for you, i would say I am pretty good with switches, but i would suggest taking this to H3artificer.com to get some of the members' ideas
sweet, ive got like 2 people who have great ideas, except wiggum is sorta in the lead because the other guys xbox isnt working. but its not a race, even if i do find a good one the thread will will be open incase i find i better one which cud be put in a v2
I don't know, this just sounds like it would take a lot of work, and I don't like work at all. It makes me =( very mooch
ahhhhh. my amazing breakthrough became a dead end... it was working... kindof... but it got stuck a ton, and you fell off of it almost every time... oh well.
I'm am pretty confident I can do this, I have just made something that dealed with switches, to me it's simple. In fact, I'll go attempt this right now. *runs to 360*
Awesome! Tons of people are trying instead of complaining or stealing the idea! Yay its actually working out now!!! lol and thisis the most poputlar thread ive ever had!
i encourage you all to share your ideas if you guys are having trouble with them that way two of you can work together and get it done then share the prize
The most I can think of is making some sort of masher machine at the bottom of a pit. If you were lucky you could stay on it for a pass or two but the speed in which your going would fling you off probably in the path of more. If I add anymore to them they become clogged and wont move... but because of this I have a new kill mechanism for my maps. thanks. I'll keep at it but so far pallets are the worse thing for a roating map. I can make a whole floor shift to one side but I can't make it spin.
It is difficult enough to make an object move in a linear path let alone a circular one. Considering the resources available (all of which are boxy) its seems fairly impossible to me. I think you're wasting your time here....because who would honestly want to share that with you?