ii make map that ii think gd fun and i hop u like iit and just to nice o00dan00o help a lil bit so thxs m8 on there the link -----> Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing and there is soom pics
It looks a bit too open for my taste, it also looks like you can escape. I think it's a bit to simple, open, and basic, the layout and the center structure look pretty good though, but further, not really.
Since when was the Spartan Laser part of the MLG weapon set? Oh, that's right, never. Some other things that the legitimate MLG maps don't use is movable scenery like barrels and crates, unless they are hindered by receiver nodes or weapon holders. Shield doors are loathed in the MLG community as well because of the camp factor. I can tell without even downloading it that you can break the map, another thing that MLG maps work hard to prevent. Looks like you can hop right over those fence boxes and run to the back bases of Foundry. There are some nice touches, but overall I would say that this isn't fit for the MLG playstyle. Your map could probably work better in the standard competitive section.
Dang it Squid! That was what I was going to say. Also, unless I'm mistaken, you need to add at least a brief description of your map to bring your post up to standards. Even though (or maybe because) it's not MLG, I like the central structure.
Congratulations, you win The Stupidest Most ****ing Unintelligible Dipshit in the Universe Award! It's kids like you who won't accept the fact that they have done something wrong and will not do anything to change it or make it better that are ruining this site and the internet in it's totality. Perhaps you should actually take heed of one of the many guides and tutorials to be found on this site by simply using the search function that even the dumbest of kids can find. So beware and take care. PS. No one neg rep me, I know you all wanted to say it.
Wow this thread is getting a little harsh. I agree with the previous posts to a degree, the weapon set is not MLG, and you can escape, i played it and it was a simple grenade jump. That being said, i think this has some promise, just add a few more structures to the level, seal up the area above the fence boxes, and adjust the weapons (or just dont call it MLG). I have to say, MLG maps have a lot of guidlines, and for new map makers its hard to keep up with them all. If you thrash people like this you will discourage them from wanting to post a map again, and thats a shame.